Sun-Tzubaru - With Zoom-Zoom

Hey Vic,

Dear Federal Government, I was hit by a driver as I was crossing the street on foot about a month ago. I had the walk signal. Through a small miracle, my worst injuries were a bruised shoulder and bruised/skinned thigh. Although the driver admitted fault, there is no way for anyone to ascertain that the driver was

1st Gear: Really Chrysler, I'd expect you to be more grateful to the entity that was responsible for saving you
3rd Gear: Something something...firey death?
4th Gear: More like 500 Poor Standards, mirite gaiz?!

I always thought Variable Valve Timing meant that ValvE will Vary the Time between it says it will release a game, and the actual release date. How's that for a non-sequitur for you? /trololo

Someone in my neighborhood owns a Focus ST now. They have good taste

Y Halo Thar

Here we go

It should be...Pontiaxe'd

When did BMW change its name to 'Boring Motor Works?'

Oh for f(*%# sake, Atlanta...looks like I moved out just in time for the stupid to really hit in force much would it cost to make a railcar 'fast and furious?'

1st Gear: Chrysler can mouth off all they want about loans...IF and ONLY IF they get their parent company to send us some lovely Alfa Romeos. Do we have a deal?

I get the sneaking suspicion that the Spark EV is intended to be a city car.

I'll just leave this here. can someone photoshop '360' to 'One?'

EDIT: Wrong thread, please delete

I second your sentiment, but I'd also like to see the Focus wagon stateside. In ST trim...a man can dream!

1st Gear: The civic of the air? Really? Does this mean we're going to be seeing HondaJets with giant-ass spoilers, stickers slapped across the fuselage and obnoxious 'tailpipes' sticking off of the jet engines to make it sound faster?

Now playing

Speaking of BMWs and Inline-6 engines, I'll leave this here for you

Hurrah! Although, it's a damn shame that the quote that one M. Bachmann would leave the state if it was legalized, was in fact a fabrication.

Hence, the system of 'Checks and Balances' that was created with our constitution. Of course, there are those who are offended when one branch essentially 'checks' the behaviour of another...