To rephrase that he has 'fallen in love' with Detroit:
Ryan Gosling wants The D. /trolololo
Alternative solution:
1) Increase the standards for high-school drivers' ed. Manual transmissions, make it harder to get learners permits/provisional license etc. And make the new standards standard at the Federal level
2) Want to drive bigger vehicles like trucks or SUVs? Make a separate license class for said…
I suggest the following:
-Increase the standards for a learner's permit and passing the license test
-Continuously re-test drivers every X number of years
-Invest in better mass transit (bus/rail) to provide an alternative to those who are unable to meet the increased standards
Because several decades of horrible mismanagement, overlapping car brands (badge engineering, ahoy!) and the inability to accept that consumers might actually purchase a foreign-made car have nothing to do with any of this. Nothing at all.
This horrible horrible tragedy could have been prevented if everyone had a pressure cooker! /sarcasm
This is about as likely as the relesae of Half Life 2: Episode 3
I approve of this addition.
1st Gear: And with anything good at GM, the bean counters will ruin it.
Trick quesiton.
The answer is always Miata.
So they're finally getting it right, the Nazis never had jetpacks.
The Soviet Union, on the other hand...
To clarify: I meant 'big' in the sense of track mileage. My only hope is that the cost of building future segments decreases and it spurs a new rail network. but who am I kidding, mirite?
"Big transit projects like this" - unfortunately it's not a 'big' transit project by any means.
And THIS time, we'll be watching them like hawks
Yeah, it's just a shame they Pontiaxe'd a division I was hoping would stick around further...
1st Gear*: Crossing fingers for a big push in expanding our light rail infra.
4th Gear: More tongue-in-cheek than anything else, but: A Chinese company effectively 'outsourcing' manufacturing to the US. What is this world coming to?
Inertia is a property of matter!