Sun-Tzubaru - With Zoom-Zoom

Father, you say?

The honors!

Reverse: "On May 5, 2013, it is 20 years since Volvo's single best-selling model, the 240 series, went out of production"

rah rah rah Ford Falcon rah rah FPV rah rah

So, we didn't learn anything world-shattering. Surprise suprise, do-nothing Congress much?

Sensationalist media is sensationalist, regardless of the ideological slant.

Ford Falcon pls

1st Gear: Ford, you are doing almost everything right, emphasis on almost. Just bring us the Falcon and I will be happy!

Unfortunately, we cannot depend on the market to be 100% rational either. When gas prices are low, one can observe consumers moving towards large, gas-guzzling vehicles which the automakers can sell at huge profit margins.

We all know the cake is a lie. /obligatory

I'll take the one in front, please

This might just be my immaturity showing with this comment, even MTV wants 'The D' /trololo's that bribery scandal going for you Ecclestone?


Needs more 'HATERS GONNA HATE' captioning

Pretty much. I'm not from Boston/never lived there, and I realize it might just be easy for me to soapbox over the internet.

Jalopnik had a similar headline with the Volt.

Pretty much. I'm still at a loss for how we've gone from 'no taxation without representation' to 'no taxation, period'

Just think of all the lives who would have been saved if everyone had a pressure cooker on them!1!1 /sarcasm

Does this mean that if we want to utilize an RC car, we have to pass through a horribly invasive security checkpoint that involves full-body scans and/or patdowns?