Sun-Tzubaru - With Zoom-Zoom

2nd Gear: Sergio Marcionne and Dieter Zetsche probably have two of the better names out there for auto execs.
4th Gear: I attended SAE WC 2011. The tech they had on display was awesome, I can't say the same for the career fair (Lots of cool auto companies there, however all the attendees were getting the standard

So many holes in this logic...this is almost as bad as privatizing the parking enforcement (I'm looking at you, ParkAtlanta...)

Obligatory /trolololo

1st Gear: Autos-for-Agriculture? Why not merely open up the Japanese market to foreign manufacturers?

Yeah, but at least downtown will soon have a streetcar route so that has to count for something??? /semisarcasm

Current Atlanta resident here, I'd have to rank NYC/DC/Chicago as my better metro experiences and MARTA/Miami MetroFAIL as less-than-stellar. MARTA's only saving grace is that I currently live in Midtown and it makes my commute to the airport painless....

Bleh. The front grille looks like a mashup between the refreshed Taurus grille and a Lexus RX

Saxton Hale gives Dr. Z a run for his money in terms of mustachioed CEOs

In other words, Ms. Palin is exhibiting selective obliviousness. How is this any different from politics as usual?

I hear you. Right now I live in Atlanta, and MARTA rail is only useful for getting to and from the Airport. It was originally going to be pretty extensive but it got neutered...and then the $0.01 sales tax to expand it failed.

3-cyl for the Fiesta, 3-cyl for the Fusion...what about the Focus?

Then why is the Air Force grounding combat aircraft?

I agree, it has been - and will remain - a challenge to re-introduce rail transportation to our urban centers. But several cities have demonstrated that it can be done.

Part of the problem is that the same politicians that call for reductions in government spending then balk at the idea of cutting programs which they favor.

Too bad the TSA and their $50M uniforms contract isn't on the chopping block

err nvm, wrong comment tree

Slightly trollish/provocative comment below but hey, it's the Internet:

I would argue that the collective dismantling of the streetcar networks in most of the US was 'wasteful,' in that we find ourselves in a pinch transportation-wise right now.

Beat me to it

So what's the latest anybody has heard about Fuel Cell technology breakthroughs? I'm curious