This. Look, I'm willing to acknowledge that it's 'less' dangerous than TWD, but it's still a distraction nonetheless. Can tell you how many times some clown was texting/talking on the phone when a light went from red to green and didn't notice...
1st Gear: I appreciate the fact you're trying to keep Tesla honest, but isn't the headline "Kills the Model S" is just as sensationalist and deceptive as what you're rallying against?
EDIT: I suppose my original comment was written in response to only seeing the headline for 1st gear as opposed to the TMS headline.
Oh noes! How will the TSA get their daily dose of gropings and images of nekkid bodies now?
BMW M5, if only for the single reason that some clown thought he could almost barrel straight into my drivers side when coming into a parking lot.
Oh jeez, all crossovers are starting to look the same now!
1st Gear: Would this steal sales from the BRZ?
2nd Gear: 10/10 Would Hoon
3rd Gear: Just give me the damn hatch Audi!
4th Gear: Still not feelin the proportions of the Camaro...
5th-6th Gear: ...zzz... I'm sorry, did you expect me to write something? I fell asleep
2nd Gear: Pretty sure that's a Mini, dude #trololo
The mileage is still awful
Thanks for nothing, Christie
Slowly but surely we will have more hatches and diesels come stateside. Mazda 6 and Cruze diesels off the top of my head, and I see plenty of Focus/Fiesta hatches on the roads.
To be a smartass to your smartass, if this was New Jersey then NOBODY in the presidential motorcade would be able to fuel their own vehicles :-P
1st: If they did go through with the deal, it would be like entering into a mirror universe where the Chinese are outsourcing jobs to the US (ok, technically not the same but the thought gave me a chuckle)