Agent Carter is a fantastic show. Hush.
Agent Carter is a fantastic show. Hush.
In Belize I knew this whole family led by a Grandmother, and she and her dozen (approx) grandchildren would PILE into the room, squash into the couch and watch all the Golden Girls episodes that came on mid-morning, about three in a row, I think. The kids fucking LOVED the GGs and laughed their tiny asses off.
I like it and I think the fact that he tells everyone is hilarious.
I respect your commitment to the reference.
He is exceedingly attractive.
Yeah, the show is boring and rehashes tropes that we have seen far too often (supercompetent, sincere, female cop needs male outsider who doesn't play by the rules to provide his perspective and solve cases while annoying her). But Tom Ellis is charming as...hell.
They’re just upset that he’s a man of wealth and taste. He’s been around for long, long years and he’s stolen many a man’s soul and faith. I mean, he was around when Jesus Christ had his moments of doubt and pain. Didn’t you know he made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate.
He can fuck me straight to hell....
Lucy, i mean Tom Ellis can step by my place at any time
The men all tried, and a lot of them don’t even look like the same breed of penguin. It’s an improvement.
And Ulysses is a good one if you’re thinking of planning a trip to Ireland. It’s about all the good restaurants.
I thought it was “Warren Pease: A Biography”
Have you read Lolita? It's about this girl who goes on trips and stuff with an older friend.
I also read a book. It was called 1984. It’s about this guy and his big brother.
There are pockets of lesbians and democrats and (gasp) progressives who live in hostile areas. I think lots of commenters forget about those of us who are there sometimes.
Nah. If it were just awkward “hur hur want company?” lines, that would be bad but maybe not heinous. The part about “well it’s legal, BUT...” definitely pushes it firmly into Homophobic Shitbasket territory tho.
Right Zac Efron is peak uncanny valley.