
(Seriously though I think it’s Andrew Cuomo.)

COVID-19 is the name of the disease caused by the new coronavirus, which is technically called SARS-CoV-2.

..and remember to stay far away from them dirty non-believers!

What I think is funny is that he states “It shows that this virus is very hard to contract.” However, he is self-quarantined and responding via Skype.

This right here is the most irresponsible comment he made. What a freaking joke. Of course nobody is showing signs (yet). it can lay dormant for 2+ weeks and still be transmittable. That’s the whole damned problem. Not to mention nobody without symptoms is being tested. Oh you swam in a vat filled with the raw virus?

Freedom fever made me chortle loud enough for my husband to ask what was so funny. Kudos to you.

naw these people are super deranged. They’ll 100% frame it as a conspiracy by the dems to try to take down Trump 

Schlapp said. “We don’t have two, we don’t have three. We still have one. It shows that this virus is very hard to contract.”

When you’re so party over country you will lie to people about a goddamn pandemic if it means saving face for your guy in the White House. This is criminally irresponsible.

I’m sure when CPAC attendees start dying of coronavirus, they’ll probably deny it was coronavirus and call it freedom fever or something. 

#AllOfItaly is trending because they took the earlier quarantine and spread it over the whole country.

The fact that Authy can sync 2FA codes across devices fundamentally subverts the point of 2FA.

LMAO here’s our very stable genius hard at work.

“Nothing is shut down”.....really, Donald? Fulton county schools just shut down. (That’s ATL and suburbs.) Stanford and U. Washington shut down. The American Physical Society and the American Chemical Society have cancelled national meetings. Senators are self-quarentining. The stock market is freaking.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.

arguing that ‘there’s no room for differing opinions if you’re in the Democratic Party.’

McConnell, as much as Trump, is leading them to the anti-abortion promised land.