
Oh, they won’t care.  They’ve killed and abused more prominent women than her. 

I like the inverse of what I was saying! See I actually had to rack my brain and think “is that a frank quote or a trump quote”. I have seen every episode numerous times and I still had to look that shit up to make sure it was trump.

How long before he mentions that he saw a cow pissing in the street so why can't they knock it apart, cook it up and bring him a damn steak already? On television, he's definitely already said it in private. To Modi.

There really are too many. Basically pull any frank quote from any season. And without context it sounds like some shit trump would say.

Don’t care how it plays in India.  I just hope it plays poorly in his arteries.

No cow in India is safe while President Hard Arteries is loose in the streets

All I’m going to think about for the rest of the day is the President of the United States of America with a wadded up napkin full of vegetables in his suit coat pocket and a beef stick hidden up his sleeve to gnaw on the sly.

I wonder if he also thought that smoking didn’t cause cancer - as most of these climate deniers came from that background.

what would knocking a few hundred pounds off the weight of cars do for the climate?

I will be honest about the steak thing, I tried a few times to “eat” a great steak medium-rare w/out anything on it, and you know what, it was fine.  But, you know what makes a very good medium-rare steak better, A1...and I live by that.

That’s why he stands like that. He’s the Leaning Tower of Cheesa.

a) Selling his soul to the devil.

He must have the same cardiologist as Darth Cheney. There is no logical reason why his heart has not exploded based on age and diet.

Modi and Trump are birds of a feather. Egotistical oligarchs who play to an extremist base and they have no regard for their own country’s laws. I hope they both choke.

Since climate-deniers have brains as deep as puddles, what else did you expect?

You can totally tell the age of the climate denier by how many times they grumble about shit Al Gore said.

The wheels of justice do turn slowly (if at all).

I saw the WaPo link last night and clicked on it because I’m always interested in reading why a climate contrarian advocates for their cause: maybe they figured out something that consensus science missed! But, just as you said, this climate contrarian thinks observed modern warming is caused by changes in the Sun.