
Rohrabacher in London on a “fact-finding mission”, wut. Who does this guy think he is, fucking Dick Tracy or something? Who’s going to believe (outside dimwitted reality-denying Repugger circles I mean) that this bloated old turd is some seasoned gumshoe with a penchant for turning up hidden facts???!!?!? lollllll

Yeah, this is one of those cases where I absolutely believe that Trump would do this, but I’m less convinced Trump did do this...

Yet you make no defense of, or even mention, Reality Winner. It’s almost like you have your own political agenda and Reality Winner doesn’t fit your narrative. Funny that. 

That’s my thought. The judge allowed this to be entered into evidence in court, it can’t just be a “he said” thing.

Let me fix that quote:

He must have more than just his word, if the court is going to allow it to be entered as he fights extradition.

Liars who are terrified of prison, every one of ‘em.

Assange isn’t the most credible guy on the planet, but no one in this party should be believed. 

I can't wait until CHUD America starts claiming Assange is a deep-state, Never-Trump Democrat.

Don’t worry Barr, we will NEVER mistake you for a man.

Susan Collins’ opponent leads her in the latest poll. If you can donate please do. As for evil John Goodman if he was really upset, had a conscience, a spine, a sense of decency he would resign. The mass exodus at The DOJ should tell his fat ass something

From the Boingboing gang OG, Tom the GD Dancing Bug:

I like the part at the end where everyone stood up and clapped

I thought I clicked on “The onion” by accident.

I don’t get it.

I’m so confused.  

What the fuck even is this?

Cool story, bruh.

This is my fear. There’s no repercussions for ANYTHING because even if its on video, the excuse of ‘Oh it was a deep fake’ will be a legitimate thing. No one will be a good candidate because anyone can make the other guy say whatever they want. They could make Bernie say that Hitler was right. They could make Pete say

You’re missing the bigger picture here. Forget the ability to remake movies....