
Yeah, seriously!! I may smell like armpits and weed most the time, but I damn sure don’t smell like bologna...

He’s like a bully written by the guy who did the Encyclopedia Brown books. Formula top to bottom.

T-Rump also fired Sondland today (or they call it “recalling the ambassador”).  Guess T-Rump doesn’t need Sondland’s $1 mil for his re-election coffers ... or knowing these sycophantic ass kisser, Gordon will re-up just so he can still be in the club.

And Donnie was in North Carolina when Vindman was fired, so of course the Coward-in-Chief made someone else do it.

Kylo Ren? Sheyeah, I wanna fly like Luke Skywalker! 

That’s the whole Republican philosophy. You need to protect the rich greedy assholes or else you’ll never become a rich greedy asshole!

This show is trash but if you think this is the most reprehensible propaganda on American TV, you never watched Fox & Friends.

Bellah sincerely believes what she and the show are peddling.

45 when she died so she was a pregnant teen. She pulled herself up, started her own business, got wealthy, and gave her son the life she never had. And he killed her for 90 grand. This story just makes me feel sad and cold inside. Like how shallow evil is... I can’t explain.

He’s going to be a lonely man in prison with no mama to visit him.

Oh my god, that is depressing to read.  He has plenty of time to ponder his life choices, what a psychopath.


It’s not even “they had it coming” defense, it’s more of a “I shot that kid because I thought he was actually a hostile alien, and because my intentions were good the resulting crime shouldn’t count” defense. Stand Your Ground laws, but for treason. 

Basically it’s impossible to debate someone who won’t even admit that facts are facts.

“And it explains why dialogue and debate about controversial, interesting ideas are becoming more difficult in our divisive age. “

The problem with Dershowitz’s entire case is he is treating this like some law school exercise or some hypothetical game where you argue the crazy other side. To him, this is just a fun game and thought experiment. It’s the thing liberal academics have done for decades, playing devils advocate and arguing the other

“If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment.”

Was the joke lame? Yes
Was the joke racist, homophobic/transphobic, anti-Semitic or etc? Nope 
Is it worth getting fired over? Nope

Oh please. Like anyone with that last name ever cooks.