
I went in very skeptical but I ended up really enjoying it. 

Even leaving aside the feature length sequels, there was an entire Aladdin cartoon they could draw inspiration from. I've been trying ti find a way to rewatch it for years, but it doesn't seem to have been released on disk, maybe it will show up when Disney plus finally drops.

No Return of Jafar or Aladdin and the Prince of Thieves? I think we know what that means . . .

Nah, this is the one where Aladdin takes his magic carpet to New York instead by mistake. Jafar is inexplicably there trying to become the Evil Sultan of a toy store and Aladdin has to beat him using the same tricks in a different setting. Also Donald Trump makes a cameo in a hotel lobby.

A more traditional method might be to subpoena the logs from the cell towers. But yeah it’s easier and cheaper to pay a kid to rat out his dad.

It’s just as well, everyone knows Aladdin and the King of Thieves was the superior sequel.

Aliens Genies from Krypton the City of Brass invade Planet Houston Agrabah and Superman the Genie has to get his powers back to battle them.

...Really? Did someone misplace their VHS copy of Return of Jafar or something?

Yeah, seriously!! I may smell like armpits and weed most the time, but I damn sure don’t smell like bologna...

“And do you really think that anyone watching it doesn’t realize it was edited?”

You apparently haven’t had much interaction with people in rural/small town America. They absolutely do believe shit like that, all the time. Critical thinking isn’t a skill many of these people deploy on social media, or anywhere else.

And do you really think that anyone watching it doesn’t realize it was edited?”

And do you really think that anyone watching it doesn’t realize it was edited? I mean, do you believe that viewers think she had multiple copies and just kept ripping the speech up after each of those parts of the address?

I mean, do you believe that viewers think she had multiple copies and just kept ripping the speech up after each of those parts of the address?”

Yeah, we’ve got a serious issue that now may require some legislation in order to prevent some massive libel issues on social media. What a fertile field for Russian and Beijing-bots to farm.

So according Facebook's extraordinarily narrow reading of their own policy, a deep fake would technically be fine, since that person actually made all of those phoneme sounds at one point in their life, we're just putting them together in a different orde . No problem. 

He’s like a bully written by the guy who did the Encyclopedia Brown books. Formula top to bottom.

T-Rump also fired Sondland today (or they call it “recalling the ambassador”).  Guess T-Rump doesn’t need Sondland’s $1 mil for his re-election coffers ... or knowing these sycophantic ass kisser, Gordon will re-up just so he can still be in the club.

And Donnie was in North Carolina when Vindman was fired, so of course the Coward-in-Chief made someone else do it.

Kylo Ren? Sheyeah, I wanna fly like Luke Skywalker! 

Oh please. Like anyone with that last name ever cooks.