
My mom died of dementia last year and it is not an escape by any means. People think dementia is just confusion or memory loss, but it’s so much worse than that. As their brain degenerates, their body slowly shuts down. They lose control of basic bodily functions and become incontinent. In end stage dementia, the brain

I doubt he’s enjoying his current existence, for whatever that’s worth. He’s going to die in jail, albeit in a psych ward jail.

Because he still has to offer a vigorous defense. He’d be disbarred if he stood there in front of a bunch of microphones and said, “Hell yes he did it.”

The timeline is a little muddy if you don’t do a little homework, so lemme pour some water on that.

My take is that Kim leaving Jimmy is what completed his transition into the callous, downright hurtful Saul Goodman. He was bitter that she left him and wanted her to see that he moved on and doesn’t give a fuck about her anymore. It was brutal to see. 

True. But then again, they probably wouldn’t have to pay her much and her name wouldn’t be on any of the paperwork going to the courthouse. It would be a very behind-the-scenes kind of work.

It’s interesting; I don’t think the intent was cruel here, but there is nevertheless an clearly self-serving element to it all. She only decides to do it after Gene calls her on it, which can basically make it a case of “I’ll show him!”, and intentionally or not she has essentially made sure to do so at a point where

That is not a fact.  Just a broad generalization and a weak one at that.  

My favorite Charles de Gaulle quote: “The graveyards are filled with indispensable men”

A legal aid outfit would love to have her. She can’t represent clients and actually practice law in court, but she can lend her knowledge to the young lawyers. She can also do research and prepare briefs.

It’s also a sad echo of his motto as an elder law specialist: “A Lawyer You Can Trust.”

I think the confession to the DA and the mea culpa to Cheryl were as much about Kim easing her conscience by facing the music as it was to console the grieving widow. 

I read this online as well. I think it was a beautiful and subtle touch. It almost underlined that two men with cancer still were at the mercy of fate, regardless of whether they had the money or not to fight the cancer.

Someone her age would probably use Jeeves over Google. 

As she pointed out to Cheryl, there’s no physical evidence of a crime thanks to Mike and his cleaning squad. Lalo—who actually killed Howard—as well as Gus and Mike—who knew where Howard and Lalo are buried—are all dead. The DA may prosecute for the fraud, but it’s unlikely.

Marion finding out about Saul on AskJeeves is a lovely little touch that made me chuckle.

To riff on your take, Kim hasn’t really survived in her Florida form.  She’s already dead inside.  Coming back to ABQ and trying to make things right is bringing herself back to life - even if that life is behind bars.  

I thought Jeff just panicked. But, yeah, Gene was much sloppier on this job, between the B&E, the actual theft, and just hanging out having a whiskey at the guy’s house. To the point where I started to consider that he was planning to get caught for some reason.

This show has everything: Dial-up internet. The bastard substitution of a condiment. The worst domestic intercourse on TV this side of April and Cutler in Eastbound & Down. MTV’s Dan Cortese.

Much like the final breaking bad episodes, it’s remarkable how bold this show is with absolutely destroying any shred of goodness left in the protagonist. The series completely changes breaking bad for the better. I never would have thought the lovable wacky lawyer had such dark pits in his soul. Anchoring the final