
Seriously the visuals alone were worth the price of admission and on top of that it had a great story with a stellar cast. 

“Why another Spider-Man movie?”, that’s what I thought at first but even bad Spider-Man is good and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is fantastic.


Let’s take a quick look at some supposedly “Cancelled” people:

Glad I’m not the only one who saw this as caping for Joe Biden without saying his name.

Not a popular opinion, but i’m not overly impressed. I’ve always resented his tendency to talk down or condescend to the left, especially toward black people. Remember how Jesse Jackson went off on him (“I wanna cut his nuts off”) for that tendency? It was a well deserved scolding. I think Barack should aim that kind

Police said they did not “notice any signs of impairment,”

Superintendent Johnson had a kidney transplant a few years ago. Not a man who should be drinking,

It doesn’t really make sense since Tulsi isn’t doing well in polls, and really never was to begin with. Plus, since the Libertarian party did tons better than the Green party did last election, the safe bet for Russians “grooming” would be to push there.

He’s suing CNN with another unhinged letter on White House stationery, based on some conspiracy theory he came across. 

First, let’s not pretend that Kaiser doesn’t have a vested interest here.

Jesus. That article is infuriating and highlights how little Americans understand Medicare for All. We are literally going to make a bad choice as a society because we can’t imagine a life where ALL healthcare is covered and a board of rich assholes isn’t deciding our financial fate based on their next quarterly

That was quick.

Ft Worth PD is going out of their way to fuck this up. After observing Dallas’ fuck up over the last year I can’t believe they tried to go with the gun in the house narrative to try and disparage this young lady and family. Foot dragging on firing this motherfucker instead letting him craft a resignation letter, wipe

It is legitimately terrifying on so many levels that he sees people who criticize him as people who criticize America. Biff the Dipshit cannot process that people who don’t love him still love the country.

Wow, you can always count on the Fraternal Order of the Police to object to any steps to hold police accountable.

You were not kidding about the sheer fucking volume of tweets.

Yeah, shared responsibility to whom, exactly? They have no responsibility to his family. He’s the one who took the vows and made the commitment, which he then broke. And if the women he cheated with had made and broken their own family commitments, that’s no concern of his.

Yeah, this sums up trumps presidency as well.

“With all the women it’s the same: He denies it, he turns it around, he attacks, and he threatens — and then everybody forgets it until the next woman comes along,”