
So I made a similar comment last week, but bear with me.

Amazing how all of these men live with a fantasy that they’re charismatic, smart, strong, and independent yet each one of these chuds is one of Trump’s handmaidens and errand boy.

This has to be good news. Hopefully these republican rats are going to fall over themselves turning on the big fat orange rat. Is there rule of law in the USA? We shall see...

These two have to have been hired by some wealthy performance artist and are part of his/her new work. Not even these idiots can be taking themselves seriously.

Meh, their attempt to smear Mueller as a sexual assaulter didn’t get any traction, and this Warren smear was somehow more farcical than that.

When the super Christian, stable genius president does it, it’s NOT a sin!

I feel like the fact that Marine Kelvin has a back tattoo of the logo from the Vin Diesel/Ice Cube XXX trilogy of films is really under discussed. When did he get it? I assume it was sometime in between the first and second movies, but at what point? Was it intentional to get it in the same spot as Vin Diesel’s

Why, why, why do you keep giving these people the attention that they want?

Are you referring to the Judge bringing up the “Castle” defense? On The Root a consensus emerged after the verdict that the Judge was being over-thorough in an attempt to avoid providing reasons for appeals.

Also “the lack of burden sharing by European partners”: get the fuck outta here with that noise; European countries have given Ukraine more than twice as many funds to fight Putin’s aggression as the US has. (That’s as ass-backwards as Trump’s incessant sad whining that NATO hasn’t “paid us enough” or however he interp

Short, Pence’s chief of staff, said: “The president consistently raised concerns about corruption.”  yeah, he was ALWAYS going on about that.

I live in Dallas.

Others have pointed out the inequality here.

Prosecutors asked for a sentence of 28 years because Jean would have just turned 28 if he were still alive.”

...ever since I got overwhelmingly elected in 2016, 223-306.

oh my this naughty language business is very disturbing evangelicals might have to consider thinking about possibly mildly criticizing him

The US is situated about 7500 miles from Iran. Iran has never directly attacked the US. The Shah was not a US “ally”, he was put in place by CIA facilitated coup that overthrew the elected government. He was a murderous ruler who tracked and killed people around the world as well as in his country. He was put in

Think of it as if the religious right wing was taking over America.

With all the blatant racism and cruelty, one can almost overlook the sexism.

“Kirstjen, you didn’t hear me the first time, honey,” Trump reportedly said. “Shoot ’em down. Sweetheart, just shoot ’em out of the sky, O.K.?”