
I love how they say it’s easily explained but then spend the rest of the time whining that it’s too hard to follow because more than just Trump is involved.

Indeed, the connection between the President, the attorney general, and the president’s personal lawyer is just too confusing to figure out. I can’t wait until Trump’s idiot children get implicated, and they’re all like “Whoa, wait a minute, now there are TWO guys named Donald Trump involved?  How do you expect the

“It’s National Pancake Day... again...!”

FOX News - “Simple answers for simple people.”

“There’s a big headline that’ll get your attention, then you look at the story it’s easily explained,” co-host Brian Kilmeade said.”

God, I love it when people are right, but not for the reason they think. 

some cautioned that Tayloe’s case could be a harbinger of more such lawsuits to come

I guarantee there are at least half a dozen kids at every community college in the country, let alone state and private universities, that are more competent than Miller has ever been or ever will be. It’s remarkable that he’s advanced so far based on nothing more than bigotry and connections. 

Honestly the only surprising part of this story to me is that they charged him even after he resigned. The other cop Rohr must have not given them any chance to bury it. 

Man, it’s nice seeing lying liars get called out for being lying liars on shows like these! You know what’s even better?

You’re just asking questions!

Let me get this conspiracy theory straight. Are they saying that HillaryObama got the Ukraine to hack the DNC so trump could win, but made it look like the Russians did it for trump so that a couple years into his presidency he would look like an idiot or something? All this nonsense is confusing as hell.

Many people are saying that the reason Jim Jordan helped cover up sexual abuse in the wrestling program at Ohio State is because he participated in that abuse.  I don’t know anything about it, but it is something many people are saying, that Jim Jordan committed numerous acts of sexual abuse at Ohio State.  I don’t

A lot of white people are afraid that if we get a little power, we will do the same thing to them what was done to use. A lot don’t admit it, and much of it is subconscious. It’s projection, plain and simple. They know what they do with power, and don’t want it done to them.

Tossing aside the obvious that Black people are 12% of the population and can’t possibly overthrow white people, I simply don’t understand the psyche of white people.

Ironic considering all the times he promoted the northern conspiracy, including alleging the health department official’s (who approved his birth certificate) death in a plane crash was a hit. 

Just a guess, but I don’t think they got the camera shot timing right.  They were wide on the full panel when they should’ve had a close-up on Woody and Kenan.

Typical that cops would whine about not being given enough respect when peopel dont’ kiss their ass. That website of theirs is a goddamn cesspool of entitled bullshit.

The fact they said he attacked the cop is intentionally misleading.  He spoke his truth in a very appropriate way. And he deserves an apology at the very least. 

“You probably don’t remember me but you’re the police officer who falsely arrested me four years ago,” said Tamarac City Commissioner Mike Gelin, who is black, to Gallardo, who is white. “You lied on a police report. I believe you’re a rogue police officer, you’re a bad police officer and you don’t deserve to be

Love how the Gelin is being chastised for calling the cop out. How about calling your officer out for trashing the man’s civil rights? Just a thought!