
Hey incelbetacuck scumbag traitors. Take your America hating, treasonous asses to St. Petersburg.

Come on Paul, let’s be real.

The republican party should just change their name to the pirate party. They have plundered and looted this nation’s wealth and honor.

the entire city does hate his father. I am not sure if there is a word stronger than hate.. but it would be that word.

Agreed. I felt Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour should've stepped down, but I'm not seeing anti-Semitism in Zahr's statements here, more like just really strong criticism of Israel.

The people in witness protection sure are hoping so... Could you imagine trying to find placement for someone like Tekashi? Where in the would would he be inconspicuous?!?


That’s ok, I thought you meant it was surprising that so many people agreed with her.

Not so amazing really, lots of people are appalled by the way the army and the state treat citizens but are afraid to speak up. I'm glad there was an underground railroad system to get her out. 

Glad to see someone else thought of this.

I smell a rat.

Also, read the Medium post people. All this bullshit about “leadership controlling the process” and “why won’t they release the vote totals” shows people haven’t actually listened when the WFP explained their process. 

I got called a centrist for saying I supported Warren over Bernie. There’s no reasoning with children.

I’ve seen a lot of this on social media lately, attacking people who mostly like Sanders and think he’s an important policy voice. There’s a lot of conspiratorial thinking, a lot of bad-faith attacks on Warren (quite a few of which have been deeply sexist), and extreme vitriol from people who clearly have nothing to

Gaetz is hiding some kind of crime he has committed.

It’s like the Pam Anderson/Meghan McCain encounter.

Coming for Al Sharpton? Really? The man has been fighting entrenched racial injustice for almost 50 years. You think in all that time, he hasn’t said controversial things, who is Gaetz targeting by these asinine attacks?

Gaetz is an asshole.

Sharpton has no business being a host on MSNBC considering his role in the whole Tawana Brawley fiasco.

Oh, but the Trumpers are eating this up and saying it’s no different than what happened to Lewandowski yesterday.

Gaetz is so fucking stupid - he IS Florida man.