Ladies and gentleman...colonialism!
Ladies and gentleman...colonialism!
So if I take a picture of Hitler, put a noose on it, and say “This is what happens to evil people”, that’s racist?
Optics. If you don’t intend to be racist by posting the image of a noose, then you should at least understand a noose is piss-poor fucking optics. If you are unaware of the fact that a noose is shit optics, then you deserve to get dragged for being a moron.
A 14 in someone’s username alone doesn’t necessarily indicate they’re racist. An 88 alone in someone’s username does not necessarily indicate they’re racist. The number 1488 in someone’s username is absolutely an indicator that they’re racist.
I’m not saying it doesn’t have those connotations. I’m saying that the failure to use an electric chair doesn’t cause the intent to automatically default to racism.
The “evil people” could be anyone, that isn’t me lying to myself. You’re the one making assumptions on who it is, based on a historical context that can be accurate, but isn’t necessarily applicable.
Maybe this guy was being covertly racist. Maybe it was just a stupid thing to post. Maybe he could have used a…
Ugh... look, I’ve got no problem with giving some racist butt nugget the boot... but can we stop jumping to “racism!” as the primary factor in every thought, statement, or sentiment that passes from the human mind?
Yes, racially-motivated extrajudicial lynchings happened in America. No, not every hanging in American…
He should have used a guillotine and then the interpretation would be different.
they literally put themselves before their state. fuck those guys.
On one hand, I’ve always supported the idea of boycotting Israel over their treatment of Palestine, the Gaza strip and such — Jewish people are not so monolithic that we put Israel over everything else, including human rights — it just happen that the loudest people certainly appear to be.
On the other hand I won’t…
1. Critiquing an apartheid state is not anti-Semitism.
No, it’s more like racist, settler-colonial apartheid states = bad, supporting the rights of Palestinians to their own land, the land stolen from them not even 100 years ago by a colonizing power = good. There’s of course much more to it than that: Zionism as a colonialist movement explicitly in the mold of European…
Some of it I can certainly see people taking legitimate issue with, but some of the quotes from her are just such so benign, I couldn’t believe people were getting upset over it. One in particular, she had said “You can’t tell the story of Islam in America without Nation of Islam,” and people were like “omg she…
Good call. Hopefully Iowa and New Hampshire will break the spell as some of the people who are less tuned in actually start listening to him. Still, I really like to see the best in humanity and Biden compounded with Trump is making that rather difficult right now. I’m probably going to need to take a break from…
I refuse to enter the emotional abyss until he starts winning primaries. But yeah...I'm with you.
Biden is getting praise for not bursting into flames in this debate. From where I sat, 9 other people beat him but he is getting praise. They are grading him on the Trump curve.
I don’t think the problem is so much Biden’s declining mental faculties as it is he just doesn’t seem to think he needs to put in any real effort whatsoever to be president (I wonder where a wealthy powerful white man would ever get that sense of entitlement). Like, he has never even bothered to try to keep his lies…
If we don’t keep highlighting his unfitness he will cakewalk into the nomination and be destroyed by Trump in the general election.
Biden won by surviving this debate.
Yes, it’s a shitty answer (or not really even an answer). But I’ll bet you a lot of voters are going to love it, because what comes through clearly is “this is about poverty, not racism”, and there are a lot of people, including a lot of Democratic voters, who want that. It’s easy to be magnanimous, it’s hard to admit…