“work against sovereignty, work against our laws.”
“work against sovereignty, work against our laws.”
If Soros is funding all the things the conspiracy theorists say he’s funding, he wouldn’t be a billionaire anymore.
Condemn him? They will fricking praise him.
How the fuck did we get here, when a major “news” network is wall-to-wall white supremacist dog whistles? What the fuck is happening? How do we fix it?
Good luck to them. The rule isn’t written that a worker is an independent contractor unless it is proven they are a worker.
This is the business model: break the law and then get away with it.
Bitch all you like about the labor practices, but you can’t dispute Uber and Lyft have certainly flooded our streets with Rural Goobers who have no idea where they are, no idea how to get where they’re going, and no idea how to drive or park in a city.
Had one idiot driving in the second lane at like 70. Blew through…
Of course they are a transportation company. Where they get their money from is much more important than how they accomplished that goal.
‘You can be employees if you get taxi licenses’ seems like a fair deal to me.
Cycling I have the right to use the full lane in many scenarios. I prefer to be alive rather than correct because lots of ass hole drivers will run a cyclist down (otherwise they may have to twist the steering wheel a quarter turn to pass safely). -- Technically correct is not the best type of correct in all situations
Not so fast.... You have to look at it the way Ubers highly-paid lawyers will look at it: Uber merely puts you in contact with a driver that is willing to pick you up and take you. It’s not UBER driving the car, it’s that guy with the clapped out Honda Civic blasting Post Malone... THAT GUY is the transportation…
Saying that the core of your business isn’t the core of your business isn’t wrong?
While we are at it, can we enact another law that will force UberX drivers to have at least a year of city driving experience before allowing them onto city streets?
This will all come down to a court decision.
it’s similar to Tesla where they are pumping money into worldwide expansion and undercutting the prices for rides until they get an amazon like level of marketshare where they can jack up rates with minimal competition.
“That's OUR job!"
“That’s like re-segregating the country, why would we want that? Besides of course the reasons Tucker Carlson and I lay out every night.”
There is something missing in this article:
There are no good guys in this story.