THIS. Even if the Senate will not vote for impeachment, let the process happen. Let it be part of the historical record.
THIS. Even if the Senate will not vote for impeachment, let the process happen. Let it be part of the historical record.
Exactly. Turnabout is fair play. They hammered Hillary for years (she did herself few favors) and it cost this country in 2016. Remind every ‘moderate’ and ‘centrist’ while also firing up the progressives by repeatedly reminding everyone of his corruption and awful policies. Let the primary chips fall where they may…
It’s not even about ideology here, they’re not being persecuted because they’re Jewish, they’re shitheads who happen to be Jewish.
Don’t forget they’re dragging McCarthyism into this too. That’s right, a group who defends Trump, a Nazi who is a Russian puppet, likes to accuse everyone else of being anti Semitic and Communist witch hunters.
See also: Ideology is a Choice
I think HE thinks seeking out and reporting what anonymous sources say is somehow corrupt. At least that’s what “some people” are saying...
The average redhat will see these “tactics” and consider it yet more evidence of a corrupt lamestream media out to get Daddy Trump and his fellow conservative cult members.
“My husband is Jewish,” Faulkner added, after some crosstalk. “We’ve talked about this recently. Where because of your faith, or because of your beliefs, and because some thought that was outside of where it needed to be, they would go after your businesses and your livelihood. I’m not saying that that is the…
Reporter Reaches Out To Potential Source.
They only do that because if they accuse someone else of being a Nazi it carries the implication that they are not Nazis.
My favorite part is definitely starting her statement by saying “My husband is Jewish.” Like somehow being married to a random Jewish man gives her some additional insight into the Holocaust and Nazi Germany. C’mon son.
Big enough to jerk off in.
“If there was an attack on American soil by Afghanis, ‘We would come back with a force like ... never before,”
I see. It’s Hollywood that’s making Cops look bad.
Peacemaker? I’m pretty sure he was murdered for being a big black man.
Officers allegedly approached Garner because they thought that he could be selling loose cigarettes.
it’s funny watching you talking yourself into voting for Trump.
You see, THESE tropes aren’t anti-Semitic, because he learned them from Stephen Miller and Ben Shapiro, so it’s not nearly as bad as the time Ilhan Omar referenced the hook to a rap song.
More recently, Lin is accused of threatening that “the time will come when Miami will burn to the ground