
Yep. The fact that AIPAC is coming out against this decision...even though the trip is partially sponsored by Miftah (tbh, I’m kind of surprised the Miftah factor isn’t a gigantic controversy)...just goes to show how extremely stupid it is to ban Omar and Tlaib.

The low standard and the Turtle’s utter disregard for the Senate’s duty to check the Executive Office. 

The religious right’s love affair with Israel is such a weird twist in politics... they WOULD hate the Jews, but they hate the Muslims more, so enemy of my enemy.

Just here to note that we’re talking about a BOYCOTT, literally deciding to spend our money in places that don’t commit human rights abuses.

Disappointed “right now”? Has he been proud of the apartheid of the last 24 years?

That Trump Tweet, in and of itself, is an impeachable offense. Even if you forget every other impeachable thing he’s said and done, he should be removed from office for that Tweet alone. And every other President who came before him would have been.

My husband who loves Israel is so disappointed right now.  "You can't convince anyone of the beauty of a country if you don't let them in."

Would it be so fucking hard for any of these other politicians to also add that Omar and Tlaib actually do not, and have explicitly stated numerous times, that they don’t hate Jewish people or Israel but simply cannot support their continued mistreatment of the Palestinian people? Like, it’s a good start to say that

I still think the black unemployment claim Trumps like to make is the most wypipo shit ever: President Obama took office with the black unemployment rate at 16%, when he left office it was 8%. Black unemployment is now down to 7% and Trump acts like he invented fire. 

God, I remember 9/9/99 having so much hype because of the release of the Dreamcast. My friend picked one up and I remember being in awe of what Sonic Adventure offered. Shout out to Leoric wherever you are.

Yeah, though 9/9/19 is the 20 year anniversary, so it does have a bit more prominence than any other 9/9. 

Most of them are fingerprint type scanners, but there are also ones that use a wristband, ring, or smartwatch to unlock them (some of those have their own security features).

Scalise opposes any increase in gun control because. . . it will affect neighbours loaning guns to domestic violence victims?!? Let’s think through this for a moment:

Scalise says: “[...] it stops law-abiding people from being able to transfer guns, including if you loan your gun to your neighbor because she’s afraid that her ex-boyfriend is going to come and beat her up.

The Dayton shooter gave enough warning signs that he could have gotten a 72 hour hold, which is being committed, which would have disqualified him from buying a gun. If only someone had called the cops before he started shooting.

I thought Dick Cheney shooting that guy in the face and then guy apologizing to him was the craziest shit a vice president will do but then Mike Pence came out of nowhere and started fucking horses.

Remember also that Scalise is a proponent of blocking any form of true Universal Health Care. Why should the average Joe be allowed to have the same level of taxpayer funded care at minimal out-of-pocket cost that he received when he’d been shot and seriously injured?

“[T]he shooters in— in both in El Paso and in Dayton, passed background checks.”

No empathy, no sympathy, no sense of responsibility, no interest in even microscopic improvements, no recognition of the underlying causes, no willingness to or interest in change, and no understanding of the problem.