
Also, Blagojevich’s a Democrat so Trump can claim “bipartisan support” for himself.

Blago is also a Chicago Democrat who can be used to continue to sh*t on the legacy of Obama and other Democrats because he’s ‘one of them.

tRump’s government planned this deliberately to coincide with the start of the school year. Evil to the very core.

It’s kind of incredible how whenever Donald Trump says “a lot of people are thinking”, it’s so obvious that what he means to say is “literally I am the only one thinking this”. 

I understand and appreciate the sentiment behind your comment, but wanted to follow up on a couple of common misconceptions.

when im arguing with the cancer that hates these people, i say

But Jesus man. Find them a way to become citizens. They contribute to the economy. And let them pay taxes and live.

Yes. They are illegal. I understand that.

No, even that is not doxxing. Doxxing is publishing the personal information of somebody that intended to be anonymous. If I could somehow access your real name and published it here, that would be doxxing.

I’ve found Russian trolls just can’t quite get the vernacular of basement trolls, though. I vote Russian troll on this one.

I wonder what “DAM ARTICLE” we’re supposed to read - and what dams have to do with this.

We have mounted police in the city where I live and they primarily work downtown, festivals, and outdoor concerts. I have seen them make arrests (they loved to hang out around the park we skated in), and when following procedure, they do like bike cops do and call a car to come transport whomever it is they picked up,

My guess is that it's something of a "Good guy with a gun," type argument. Of course any argument that depends on Saudi Arabia being "the good guy" is nonsense but here we are.

I guarantee you that NO ONE can adequately explain it to you. 

the NRA actually started as an organization that was responsible. most of the original laws about guns were because of the NRA. then lobbiests got their hooks in and the organization went sideways. now it’s laughable because they are just a shill for the ultra right wing

“But the pattern raises a threshold question of who the organization is serving,” Varley told the Post. “Is it being run for the benefit of the gun owners in the country and the public? Or is it being run as a business generating enterprise for officers and employees of the organization?”

Let me bring this one out where Barr says: No one associated with Trump “illegally participated in the dissemination” of hacked emails via WikiLeaks.

Those Russian bots you’ve heard so much about were extremely effective

That suggests something of a reversal: Game Of Thrones isn’t just telling the rest of Martin’s story before he can finish it himself; the show is doing it better than he could.

Oh. My. God. Your country is fucking weird.