
I was shocked to find out the President can overrule decisions by the National Security services about who can get a security clearance. It seems that this is yet another thing that is going to have to be legislated about, since once that barn door has been opened, we have no guarantee that it will ever be closed

Remember when Kushner took info from the President’s daily brief about Saudis that weren’t so hot on MBS to his sleepover with MBS then a bunch of people got tortured and rolled for their fortunes? Good times.

Isn’t there a clear age discrimination lawsuit here? I could see a possible way for this to be enforced on minors but 18-22 year olds are full citizens of the US. 

The argument presented is that unless these young people are exploited then they won’t be hired. Which is confusing since then the youth unemployment rate would be far higher than 12%. It’s also assuming that if you’re in this age range you must be seeking a part time job which is asinine.

““Why are you against somebody who’s under 22 years old, who works less than 20 hours a week, who’s going to school full time, my child in high school, why are you against that person having a part-time job?””

Hey, fuck you.  Why are you against that person being paid properly for that part-time job? 

Molly Jong-Fast is there and hilariously live tweeting the whole thing.

Yeah, gotta agree with the folks in NY who reacted by saying the kid needs counseling and education, not incarceration.

There should be no tolerance for hatred or bigotry, whether it’s anti-Semitic, homophobic, racist, or what have you—but arresting and formally charging a twelve year old kid for scrawling awful shit

Kim got exactly what he wanted... another photo-op that makes him legit in the eyes of his chief supporters back home, without having to agree to anything at all.


Mark, you do realize that you can have black friends and black relatives and still be racially clueless?

Was this an elaborate ploy by Mike Pompeo to prevent Trump from stroking out while watching the Cohen testimony all day?

He declared himself a “stable genius”. Anyone who has to declare themselves a genius, is not one. Not even close.

Kim also knows that Trump meets him when there's trouble at home and Trump desperately needs something he can present as a win. Fucking dumbarse starts off by minimising his own leverage.

Trump thinks that he knows it all, and can bluff his way through.

Fox News is furiously altering all their headlines from “Trump signs deal. Huge victory for America” to “Trump stands up to Kim. Huge victory for America.”

This is Kim manipulating Trump. I said it before their first meeting.

Everytime the GOP complains about this, a low chant of “Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi” should come from the back of the room.

And Spike Lee is in it.