
I genuinely don’t understand how voter ID laws haven’t been ruled an unconstitutional poll tax yet. Oh, right, Republicans keep stacking the Supreme Court with partisan hacks who wipe their ass on the Constitution every chance they get (Citizens United). 

“The FBI and Justice Department are doing wrong and the Klan needs to investigate them.  Because they refused to lock up Hillary, but are planning on locking up Trump, and have already locked up half his campaign staff?

Gotta say, very honestly, this was the last straw with CNN. I’ll miss watching Tapper but, hey, to put such a piece of demonstrable sleaze like her in power speaks volumes about the organization’s integrity.

Naw, it will be another Hillary conspiracy.

“That resolution will not pass the Senate. And you can take that back to whoever sent you here.”

“Well, you didn’t vote for me,” Feinstein replied.

After a teenager pointed out that part of Feinstein’s duties were listening to her constituents, Feinstein asked how old she was. “I’m 16, I can’t vote,” she said.

Isgur, like most republican hacks, is a documented liar. She lies for a living. She should be no where near a news organization.

BTW gun nuts...if you are going to tail somebody and then shoot them in the back, man up and admit you did it because you are scared of funny looking foreigners who are definitely smarter and more motivated to succeed than you, instead of trying to justify your hate.

All of that sounds like the kind of filth you can easily find on Facebook or Twitter in far-right circles, filth that clearly violates the ToS but is rarely moderated likely because those rabid racists drive a bunch of clicks.

Mike Pence sends his thoughts and prayers, and they are strong, Christian thoughts and prayers.

When politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump spread Islamophobia this is the result. That’s why I would never vote for bigot politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump that take money to spread hate.

The Twitter checks out.

because Indiana is one of the few states left without such laws.

The next: “Where are his parents from?”

Now playing

Anyone who runs, is a VC! Anyone who stands still, is a well-disciplined VC!

This clarifies many things since so many ex-military end up in police forces. Just replace MAM with black man and already pre-trained.

And even then, the RoE’s for US soldiers are still stricter than the RoE’s for US cops.

Alternatively, we could, you know, not invade countries for no reason, then we can have both arms free to do actually useful things.