
I also feel like he tends to go liberal on stuff that doesn’t have much consequence - like something like this is “temporarily” keeping things the same as they are now. I’m no scholar on his history though.

This person’s response is everything 😆

Yeah, he’s no bastion of liberalism, but at least he’s a Constitutionalist before he’s a Republican. He may let his shitty Republican ideals inform his decisions of what side of the line to stand on in battleground rulings that aren’t as cut and dry (see: Citizens United), but he’s not going to throw the Constitution

Roberts knows that any nakedly partisan rulings will be overturned by a later court, and that he’ll get lumped in with Roger Taney as absolutely shitbags who abused his position to push terrible ideas.  He may not like liberal positions and he’ll try to slow-roll them as much as possible, but he knows that’s where the

Our imaginary world:

I would’ve gone Stalin vs Hitler, given Mussolini and Hitler were allies, but I think your point still stands. Enemy of my enemy is my friend, etc.

The thing is, this is how I read his blog. Saying he won’t bow to pressure for the sake of peen-pics is laying down a legal argument but also calling their bluff.

Definitely. Hoping Mussolini kicks Hitler’s ass doesn’t mean you’re a fan of Mussolini.

Bezos owns one of the few newspapers that tell the truth! Fuck Pecker and his yellow rags!

The best part is Bezos’ giant “fuck you” of not redacting the opposing lawyers’ (plural) phone numbers.

I’m no fan of Bezos’ business practices but I hope he obliterates these clowns. 

Boy, from this testimony it sure sounds like a Trump appointee was at best completely incompetent, at worst actively malignant, and most likely a combination of the two. How weird! 

Not to mention that she didn’t actually lose the race, so much as it was stolen; or does he not remember how Kemp, as Secretary of State, refused to recuse himself from being involved in a tight election where he was also one of the candidates?

To run for president you’re supposed to have won, unless you’re a non-politician like me. I’d never ran. I’m one for one.”

Gaetz is a fucking ghoul. I am going to have fun sharing this to his twitter feed. 

Look I work for the NRA and you people are just nuts. Sensible gun control could have solved this problem. If Congressman Gaetz was allowed to carry his pistol while Congress is in session he could have silenced these people by shooting two or three times into the ceiling, maybe a warning shot was needed but certainly

And that excuses this rather than compounds this how, exactly?

Yep, Tomi is the replacement Megyn Kelly. At this rate, the replacement Tomi Lahren will bleed fake tanner and perform live executions.

Has anybody ever just … gotten right up in her face Jim Acosta-style and made her actually deal with this?

Unpopular hot take: