The government had literally no substantive argument. Their interpretation of the Supreme Court ruling was illogical, cruel, and not backed up by any policy imperative or compelling government interest.
The government had literally no substantive argument. Their interpretation of the Supreme Court ruling was illogical, cruel, and not backed up by any policy imperative or compelling government interest.
“How is this xenophobia if those same people have a legal pathway to residency and citizenship in this country”
It’s Operation Wetback all over again.
Removing the battery will help prevent short circuits as the water is rising but once the storm is over you would still have to clean and dry all of the components to prevent them from shorting as soon as the battery is hooked back up.
It’s not physically possible, and yet 65% still manage to do it.
I think it is very amusing that a police department union (A FUCKING POLICE DEPARTMENT) is asking the NFL to investigate something.
Jesus Christ. What percentage of Americans do you think would have sexual intercourse with an American flag if it were physically possible? 65%?
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: police union spokesmen are the worst people in America.
How long of a suspension is appropriate for a football player baselessly being accused of defamation?
“I learned it from watching you!”
We’re fucked, I’m literally hearing a conservative journalism professor telling her student that Hillary was full of dirty tricks that worked against Bernie...and that she was the one colluding with America’s enemies during the election.
Is it possible the douche with the mic intentionally called the obvious girl a boy because he wanted to insult a kid wearing a hippie-dippy tie-dye t-shirt?
Is it possible this girl called him a fucking idiot for referring to her as a “young man” and not anything to do with it being infowars?
President Obama was the first politician my mom loved since JFK. It was really rough for her that he was leaving and made worse by the fact that Trump is the dirt fucking worst.
Honolulu Slim has a lot of faith in this country despite his treatment during his presidency.
Dang a 2 hour video? I wanted to watch the narrative change but I don’t have that much time. :(
I thought pretty much all schools had moved to a system where you couldn’t wear certain colors, images or messages that might “disrupt” class. A Trump shirt is one of the most disruptive things I can think of right now.
WOW!!! even Frank Luntz...
A fake story about a make–believe Houston mosque turning away Hurricane Harvey evacuees is going viral among…
Christ. As a former dealership service manager: