
Wiping history, according to the story, the lawyer told him to keep that stuff under wraps, and obviously he doesn't just have the numbers for three of them and a PI memorized, so he would have been searching.

That's right, she was with the boss' husband!

In her defense, she doesn't know about them. I was told to keep mum unless he absolutely needed them. He never did, there was enough evidence from the wife (her boss) of the man she was with. That's right, she was with the boss' husband!

Photo evidence and they STILL deny it? Shit like that is what really angers me. You know you're caught, just admit it!

As someone who has been the victim of this sort of behavior I can tell you it is exactly how my exes acted in these situations. Whether it was because they were sociopaths (I think it was in one case) or a psychological tactic to try to minimize the situation I can't say.

My brother's ex forgot they had an app on their phones that tracks where they go. That's how he found out she was cheating. That and... Well, visiting family and friends wasn't the only reason I went to visit. I was his PI. Nasty woman. She still denies things despite my photographed evidence.

I can't say for everyone, but my ex was one hell of a lying, gaslighting mutha-fucker and in the case of his cheating, I absolutely went through great lengths to get as much printable, documented evidence so he could NOT refute it or turn it around on me. In cases where someone is in an abusive situation, evidence can

Yeah so the whole "we both have the passwords to our email and phones so we can check on each other thing" this normal? I would have no problem giving my SO my password to my phone so I don't have to unlock it every time he needs to change something on Spotify, but if he was like "Let's share email

One word: prenup. If he can prove she's cheating she gets nothing, otherwise she may be able to walk away with quite a bit. Assuming any of this is true.

Next week, on Serial....

I am fairly certain it is fake, her reaction is akin to that of Charlie Sheen in 2 and a half men. Shock that someone is still upset a day later for them being an asshole.

Ari are you saying its a fan fic?? And you can write better then that? ?

Infidelity clauses tend to be something like the cheating spouse forfeits any claims to income/property/etc.

he mentions an "infidelity clause" so presumably there is some sort of prenuptial agreement. Although if he makes more than she does he may not want the prenup canceled...

I promise that Carly isn't me.

1) The Hyperloop doesn't magnetically levitate.

Does anyone follow youtuber Natalie Tran on Twitter? I am beyond revolted at all the things she tweeted, the same way Murdoch did, and like a coward, she too started backtracking and even deleted a couple of awful tweets. It was borderline hate speech and I was very disappointed that such a popular vlogger whom I

I do not know about in Jamaica, but some places in the world, it is very poor manors to tip. I used to work with a guy that came to America from Thailand as a young boy. As an adult, he went back to visit his remaining family. Of course, he was very rich by their standards, but just middle class in the States. Taking

Wanna go into detail on the no tipping sitch? I'm interested.