
Go ahead and show me anyone jailed for homosexuality in Pakistan. I’ll wait. It’s an old British law that’s on the books, and Pakistan has a large thriving gay community. Stop trying to over generalize all Muslims.

Easy. Not everything in Arabic culture is Islamic. It’s that simple. Islam forbids smoking but plenty of Arabs smoke. Islam says women have mutual superiority to men, but that’s not the case in many Arab countries. Etc.

Once again, the ayatollah never said that. And you didn’t even quote it correctly; Former president of Iran Mahmoudinejad said that Iranians don’t have an openly gay culture like Americans did, not that gay Iranians don’t exist.

You’re mixing up religion and culture again. What Islam says is far more progressive than some cultures act.

Yes, because islam is NOT anti-women. Stop confusing all Muslims with the Taliban. The majority of us live in democracies and we elected women as presidents and prime ministers while America still can’t. In islam women have full spiritual equality to men, and unlike Christians and Jews we don’t think women were the

That’s completely ignorant and false. You know nothing about Muslim countries then. Pakistan has some of the most trans-progressive laws in the world and recognized a third gender before anyone else. Drag shows have existed in Turkey and throughout the Muslim world, and there’s an argument for trans rights dating back

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I knew that Republicans would put Trump over their own self-interests, but this is to another level. 

The issue is how selective they’re being.

“Ridiculous to believe” that carbon affects the climate?

MBS has been trying to woo the West by claiming he’s a moderating influence in the country. That’s a lie. He’s pushing this narrative to justify his coup and dismiss criticism over his murder of Khashoggi. 

This guy is really racking up the bad deeds points, this is why we have Judgement Day to settle the scores. 

It really isn’t. Let’s say someone vomits and it’s all over their clothes, their face and hands. There’s no way to know if they made themselves gag or not. It’s not easy to verify because nobody aside from suicide-risk-patients are under 24-hour watch.

You can make yourself vomit. People do it fo get out of school etc.

“Because white people smell like bologna”

It’s worse than that, he knows there’s stakes but doesn’t care. He’s absolutely thrilled that Trump has gone far-right on Israel and thinks that justifies defending him over it. Many Republicans defend Trump slavishly because they feel banning abortion (soon) justifies all his criminal behavior. Dershowitz feels the

Mophie’s charger is quite different. AirPower let you put the devices anywhere on the mat, and the device would detect the devices and use overlapping coils to charge. Morphine and others merely have separate coils that only allow charging on certain marked spots.

I already read it but he doesn’t point out the obvious and instead reaches to a more esoteric point. Ibn Arabi is a good scholar but Taylor m overlooks what the Quran itself actually says.

This article is silly because it missed a big one. The Qur’an says that everything in the heavens and earth worships God, so Muslims believe in extraterrestrial life.