
How do people know the exact post and delete times?

I disagree. The death penalty is applied in unequal ways, and that should be addressed, but there are still cold blooded crimes and sprees so heinous that that should be the punishment. It’s better to have the victims and their families forgive, but if not then society should do something. 

Only $10 million? That’s relatively low compared to other universities on the east coast. That’s depressing. 

Half of those black people are men, so that’s Roughly 1 million black men. Then about 1/7 are in that age range so the numbers do fit. 

At the time, he touted it as cutting down on shootings and improving overall quality of life. Of course it was BS. 

Let’s not forget, the NYPD under Bloomberg illegally spied on every mosque in NYC and neighboring states. 10 years of undercover work and not a single case of lawbreaking, and it shattered the trust in the community. Bloomberg defended it at the time with the same excuses, and they’re even more hollow there because

Wrong wrong and wrong.

If you wanted Iran to not get their hands on a nuclear bomb, then America should have supported the JCPOA. And they were not going to anyway, the Iranian government has staked all their domestic credibility on never making one (Nuclear weapons were banned by Khomeini and reaffirmed by Khamenei, them lying would tear

I’m sure Trump is itching to blast Iran On Twitter over this, but the US shooting down Iran Air Flight 655 and refusing to apologize makes that a bad idea. So he will probably tweet about it anyway.

You’re asking why? It’s obvious by now, Twitter wants to be “even-handed” politically. The republicans know to work the refs so they’re too intimidated to call this stuff out. 

You are massively overgeneralizing 1.8 Billion people. I know plenty of women who wear it and plenty of Muslim women who don’t. I’m sure there’s some parents who are pushing for it but I’ve also met families asking their kids NOT to wear it because either the family isn’t that religious or they’re worried they’ll be a

Doesn’t matter where it happened nor how racist Nashville is, he brought embarrassment to NYPD and the city will want to cut him loose. As bad as NYPD can be, they do fire bad cops once convicted (like the rape cop for example), and look the other way if acquitted. 

80% of people with mental illness are poor. The other 20% are fascinating. 

If the stuff about smearing his feces on embassy walls is true, then I’m not surprised he’s on medication inside the jail. 

Let’s please separate Assange from the rest of the people you mentioned. Snowden and Manning are heroes. Assange WAS a hero, but later in his career he decided to work with a foreign government and break laws to influence an election and was caught lying about it. Supporting Trump wasn’t a crime and given what Hillary

Am I naive for thinking that as soon as the Nashville case is over he’s gone the same day? I figure the police union is forcing them to go through the process slowly. Has Pat Lynch gone on the record defending him yet?

Biden is acting like he’s already won the primary and is tacking to the general election. But Democratic voters may not look so kindly on the idea compared to the rest of the country. 

Worse, it will be like 2004. Bush was controversial to say the least, but he got re-elected by attacking Kerry nonstop. Kerry was so afraid of losing votes that he wouldn’t take firm positions on anything and let Bush trip him up repeatedly. Trump knows he’s disliked but he will savage whoever runs against him and

Kanye is the Boy Who Cried Slavery now.

I’m embarassed to ask, what’s a hotep?