
If you wanna get him mad, tell him he’s in the Sunken Place. He’s been getting that a lot lately after Trump. 

Disagree. They’re not selling like Xbox but that’s the wrong metric to use. They’re growing in popularity and falling in cost. 

3D is on a resurgence now with VR headsets. 

Sorry I meant the debates for the general election. 

I predict Trump will refuse to debate. His staff will find an excuse to keep him sheltered and away from media questions or debate. And his Opponent should lead chants of “coward” at his or her rallies.

Actually, many people consider Apple cheap for what they want. Trying to match a PC with identical specs would be much costlier. 

Surprisingly, the Mac Pro is cheaper than the competition. For that reason, many studios will snatch this up in a heartbeat. This isn’t meant for most people, and the iMac Pro is better suited for them. 

To be fair, how many black owned businesses are in South Bend?

The Death Star looked like it completely blew up, is there going to be any ruins left to sift through?

I find it hard to imagine he started a family. Maybe he was an uncle?

I get why Bloomberg’s comment was problematic. Now that we’ve agreed on that, how can you call a black politician eloquent without there being a racist overtone to it? 

Later in the article it says all PTO was canceled. Did Away renege on the deal or did that apply to other employees?

Not at all. Sunnis worldwide condemned them, including myself and millions mobilized in armies to fight them. Even in Iraq, surveys show 70% of Sunnis want a secular government.

Yeah right, does she think an ISIS flag is just a symbol of Iraqi history too? 

It’s amazing to me that Democrats care about a politician’s past when Republicans don’t. Trump was a lifelong pro-choice Democrat who donated to Bill and Hillary Clinton and Republicans forgave it and voted for him in droves.

Biden has almost as much political baggage as Hillary Clinton. Trump would shamelessly (And hypocritically) try to milk each one; the Crime Bill, Anita Hill, invading personal space, etc. 

Michael, you acknowledged that the quote was from years in the past before he ran for office and spent time with minority constituents, and you said he actually called you and listened. What more do you need from him to get your support?

Bonus points for using Bucolic in a sentence. 

Suddenly Google cares about user privacy and where user data may go? Or are they just mad they couldn’t sell the data?

Things are so bad lately that I’m relieved they didn’t try to move her. Looking at you, Buffalo Wild Wings.