
Trump cares about nobody except himself and is purely transactional. I’m surprised he didn’t demand Tim Cook endorse him on twitter as well.

That’s a breathtakingly short-sighted take, as if going after children of politicians only started in 2019. You don’t remember the nasty stuff said to the Obama children? Or the Palin example? And she was trying to go after Obama relatives, the hypocrite. 

I can see Republicans trying to make this into a scandal, while saying that Donald Trump Jr. and Sarah Palin’s kids are off limits. Glass houses and stones.

They’re worried that if they say anything now, there will be Republican blowback and they won’t be able to get a job in Washington again. Trump zeroes in on any former employees who even mildly criticize him, and siccs his redhats on them. 

His “No Quid Pro Quo” comment came in a phone call he made AFTER the scandal came to light so of course he’d be trying to cover his tracks. Dumb Republicans are trying to claim this is proof that there’s no scandal. 

“Hillary murdered him, like Scalia!” /s

Trump is mad someone lied? His own press secretary defended Trump by saying it wasn’t a crime to lie to the public. He’s a damned hypocrite. 

Speak for yourself, I love my sport band

AppleTV is also planning on moving into a new paradigm of channels a la carte. Already within the app I can subscribe to HBONow, Showtime, Starz, etc.

I saw on MSNBC today that he was actually against criminal justice reform, thought it would play badly with his base, and had to be pressured into it. But of course he has no shame and tries taking all the credit as it was one of the few good things his administration actually did. 

Having got to try them, I’m sold on the idea. If only NYC would allow them. 

This is the result of Republicans “working the refs.” Social media platforms are falsely accused of anti-conservative bias and so they’re afraid to take action on clear rule-breaking because they don’t want to alienate those consumers.

For someone who allegedly despises Obamacare, he’s sure pretending to care enough to enforce it when it suits him. 

I’m not saying rich people can’t get sicker, but the US system is overall worse than others and our statistics prove it. It’s not luck. 

The more interesting story IMO is Zuckerberg claiming breaking them up would make election interference worse. It’s a silly talking point, and if he went with it he’d be slapped down. 

No they are not. There’s an off-the-record mode, but that has to be manually enabled. 

Trump is tweeting “PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT” repeatedly over the last few days and is calling out specific FBI officials. What projection by Republicans. 

They’re claiming it’s a left wing Democrat tactic? Come on, Trump is tweeting “PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT” repeatedly over the last few days and is calling out specific FBI officials. What projection.

“I wish he was the one with the gun and killed me. I never wanted to take an innocent person’s life, and I am so sorry“

The US has the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world. And if the Broadus family (whom I’m assuming was wealthy enough to have above-average care) had this happen to them, how safe are the rest of us?