
When he can no longer be capable of being president, according to the opinion of the majority of his cabinet. Since he fired those with brains and replaced them with True Believers, it’s unlikely to happen. The check against that was that Congress was supposed to approve the picks, and the GOP-majority Senate meekly

Apple has been blocking jailbreaks as they have opened the device to viruses and worms (there was a worm targeting jailbroken devices that didn’t modify OS passwords), they make it easy to pirate apps, and in the past were used to unlock the phones. Instead, Apple has made it easy to sideload apps as a compromise.

It’s not a bad piece, but it does make a critical error; BDS does not advocate the end of Israel, rather than the establishment of two states, which has been policy since before Israel officially came into being in 1947. It does not assign all responsibility for this conflict, in all its historical complexity, to

More evidence that Trump only sees himself as representing some Americans and not all of them. Remember how he offered to hand over innocent Americans to Russia for interrogation? Or him bashing other Americans to foreign countries?

She didn’t say all white men, she said “radicalized” white men. See, nothing bigoted there.

Somebody simply doesn’t understand what S&M is about. It’s not necessarily self-hate or abusers.

Is EVERYONE misinterpreting his tweet? It’s clearly mocking conspiracy theorists, if you have no evidence for A, why does it sound more plausible than B when it has equally no evidence?

The damage the Trump administration does will literally take decades to recover from. Russia succeeded better than they could have ever thought, destroying the system from within. 

Frankly we should be paying more to any immigrant who voluntarily moves to Mississippi.

“Law and Order” president who hates the FBI. Amazing.

Easier to just un-dim the screen when the ApplePay window comes up.

The Supreme Court has ruled that the “perp walk” is legal, as long as its for actual transportation and not just doing a lap around the block to show off the perp to reporters. I figured they were going to pretend this was just another one of those.

I always assume there has to be some logical reason other than the cops wanted to cheer him on. Were they hoping to get a confession out of him if they played good cop?

To respond to twitter critics, this was not doxxing. If he had published names with addresses and phone numbers it would have been doxxing and inappropriate without question.

I didn’t hear about this? Where can I learn more?

Members of Congress block people all the time. If you don’t live in their district you can’t even send them email; their individual websites on Congress’ site blocks you.

Dov Hikind is famous for being a right wing douche in NYC. He’s an extreme Zionist who complained about a planned memorial to the gays and gypsies and disabled killed in the holocaust because he said it should stay a Jewish only tragedy. He’s endorsed all sorts of racism and islamophobia and generally is despised

The red and blue cards remind me of the reenactment of the meltdown at the Chernobyl trial.

She is not an anti-Semite, and she has the support of the majority of the Jewish voters in her district. Go and educate yourself.

Everyone should email their member of Congress and voice their anger on this. I mean it, the flood of angry emails will make them backtrack.