
You’re not wrong, but at the same time the GOP has been successful in dragging the Overton window to the right.

Restitution. Noun. 1. The restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner. 2. Recompense for injury or loss.

Gandhi didnt believe Pakistan had the right to exist either. No country has a “right” to exist, we acknowledge and recognize their existence (which she does) or we don’t.

The public already voted in the referendum that once your jail sentence is over you can vote. The public didn’t mind about the fines enough to vote this down, so this is a moot point and the legislature should not interfere. 

Well said.

“I will have the best fixes, you won’t believe!”

Well when you give the Israeli government everything it wanted and Palestinians less than nothing (by taking away their stuff), it’s hard for them to trust you as some neutral arbitrator to meet with for the next round of talks.

Is his office going to seriously pretend there’s nothing going on? People don’t resign en masse. Even when two staffers plan to resign at near the same time, the office always makes them space them apart so as not to look bad.

What are you talking about, Apple showed at the Keynote that a comparatively specced Windows PC is over $8000. 

I was thinking Amy Klobuchar.

Conservatives are the party of grievances and resentment now. All they are today is tribal.

I’d hope so, but Sanders had same levels of name recognition and still polled lower.

If nothing else, he won’t get the GOPbase riled up enough to make sure they all turn out to vote.

Nearly 2000 years of Christians in the region disagree with you. 

Ah Pence, a man who once denounced Trump’s Muslim ban and now calls on the troops to fight Muslims. Remember, Pence also insisted that women in military permanently cripples the whole thing.

There still aren’t viruses. There’s malware but that’s quite different. There hasn’t been a macOS or iOS worm in the wild.

It’s not a theocracy; the king is not a religious leader. He’s just a dictator pretending to use religion as a backdrop for his dictator powers. He also executes any Muslim religious leader who disagrees with him, and announced executions of 3 scholars, one who merely criticized him on Saudi’s boycott of Qatar.

A Simple google search showed tens of thousands of results that proved you wrong. “I googled it and found many matches” is not evidence either way. Biji is right, you’re quite immature. But go on insisting on an unconfirmed hearsay article from years ago, by the time you get to high school you’ll learn critical

That’s your evidence? WND, an extreme rightwing site with anti-Iran bias, is claiming that another website wrote something anti-Israel and somehow the Iranian government is to blame for it despite it being a non-government sure? Come on. It completely contradicts Khamenei’s numerous public statements that Iran has a

If you want Iran to stop supporting terrorist groups, the solution is for the US to also agree to stop.