
You reference Brown vs. Board of Ed, but it seems Loving vs. Virginia is more relevant here (the landmark ruling that legalized interracial marriage nationwide).

Does this count as concern trolling?

I’d love to hear those defending it as just a “costume” pretend it would be no different if the shooter was wearing this.

Back in 1967, yes that was true. It’s 2019 and Arab countries work with Israel routinely. Your talking points are decades out of date.

Well since Israel currently refuses to consider a two state solution, what realistic choice is left?

They have to talk about it.

False. Aside from the fact that Israel and Egypt have a peace treaty going back decades, Arab countries offered full diplomatic recognition of Israel and economic ties for decades in exchange for a two state solution (google “Arab Peace Initiative” since I can’t link from mobile), and Israel has always turned it down

Freddie Gray’s death was blamed on bad training and the Baltimore PD changed nothing. (Or maybe I’m wrong, did they update anything?)

It’s not a criminal trial. That’s closed with the grand jury verdict. It’s an administrative trial, which has looser burdens of proof and can get an officer fired. That’s the best shot we have now.

It’s such a shame it has come to this. My local mosque had to hire an armed guard for the first time, because of the increased fear of an attack in this climate. It’s very sad that there’s such ignorant hate.

Is your comment supposed to be helpful, or is this one of those All Lives Matter posts? 

Facebook already tried to head this off by banning Louis Farrakhan at the same time. Why? Balance and “both sides.” Farrakhan is scum, but they waited until 2019 to suddenly throw him off the platform?

Every online commenter thinks they know so much better than Apple. This radical idea has already occurred to others.

Yes, it was a 3D file manager called fsn.

It was high treason.

There’s an old anti-Semitic canard that Jews control politicians and whole governments. Anything that references this gets accused of anti-Semitism.

Cartoon aside, When IS it appropriate to point out that Netanyahu has an unusual amount of sway with Trump? Or that he’s feeding him policy positions that are bad for the entire region, including the US interests? Can I possibly point this out without being an anti-semite?

There was nothing, except a sound of metal being hammered. No video, just the ending of credits. It’s a hint for something and I’m not sure what.

I was disappointed he practically whispered it. Where’s the energy?