
Come on, Trump hates her and has been bashing her on twitter repeatedly. And she’s also indicated her dislike of Trump in numerous interviews. You can’t get blood out of a stone. 

Heck yeah. Trump plotted the failed Yemen raid over dinner, and opened classified maps to talk about how to respond to the North Korean missile launch at Mar-a-Lago in view of the guests. She could have been in any of those, and didn’t care. 

Oh she knew it was illegal. Sean Spicer, Brannon, Kushner, Priebus, all of them told the staff repeatedly that leaking was a crime and a fireable and prosecutable offense. They even went through staff cell phones. There’s no way she missed every one of those meetings.

Crew and cast have said he used the word and more. But Mark Burnett won’t release any tapes, citing contractual obligations (and probably a fear he’d be punished by the industry). 

Which airport? There’s a flat rate from JFK to any destination in Manhattan. Sounds like you got confused.

You have no idea how NYC yellow taxis work do you? Credit cards were standardized over a decade ago. The receipt shows driver ID, medallion # and pricing, and has the 311 number to call for questions or complaints. In addition to the posted prices and the driver’s license present for the passengers to see.

the new apps will do that for yellow cabs too.

NYC almost never made money from medallions. Did you read the article, they were a method to limit congestion and set a price floor.

What job can a legal immigrant with poor english skills get INSTEAD of driving a taxi? Keep in mind, if you get a job with a salary lower than that then you’ll need Medicaid and food stamps to survive in NYC.

Once again. Stop blaming Stein. If Hillary wanted Stein voters she should have actually have tried for their votes. Instead she moved to the right, hoping to get more republican voters even if it cost votes on the left. The fault was her own. Not Stein, not Bernie, not McMullen.  

What conflict do we currently have in space right now? What conflicts do you foresee in space?

El-Sayed served as Executive Director of the Detroit Health Department and Health Officer for the City of Detroit from 2015 to 2017. After he did such a good job dealing with Flint’s lead poisoning problem, he was appointed to the governor’s statewide Childhood Lead Elimination Board. He also served on the State of

It’s obvious; if they crack down on this then Republicans will get upset. They grilled zuckerberg on whether he’s censoring conservatives. The uncomfortable truth is that some of this bigotry is mainstream. So Facebook quickly takes down anti Semitism but leaves up islamophobia.

He’s been giving out very clear concrete policies to anyone who will listen. His website, his interview on Pod Save America, etc. I wouldn’t judge his policies by a short ad. 

Don’t forget that Russia appears to have attacked the campaign electronically in order to help the Republican opponent in her race. 

genocide and institutional racism perpetrated by white people against nonwhite people in America (and the entire Western world)

Trump is pro-black because of urban revitalization and prison reform? That pastor is an ignorant doofus. Obama advocated much better measures on both, but was blocked by Republicans. Meanwhile Trump can’t get his infrastructure plan going and his Attorney general undid all Obama’s prison reforms. 

I don’t think that video conclusively shows what she says. She could have been saying “thank you” since all we’re doing is trying to read lips.

I’ve watched enough Judge Judy to know you never interrupt the judge, and if you do you could be thrown out of the courtroom. Why didn’t they just remove him?