
It’s been reported someone tried to tutor him on the campaign and he lost interest after the fourth amendment.

It’s even more appalling in light of the fact that America helped create some of these refugee crises. The US sanctioned Syria, told the people to rise up and overthrow Assad, and supplied weapons into the conflict. The US bears more responsibility than others for those refugees, and yet took less than anyone else. 

I don’t recognize the face...

I don’t see the problem here, the Union will try to be fair and objectively weigh what’s in their best interests. Giving the middle finger to Trump now in 2018 is pointless. Now of course there’s a 99.9999% chance they will endorse someone other than Trump, but at least they will act fair.

Eh they’ll just claim that Trump became pro-life later in life and somehow his lifetime liberal status never counted. But we should make them squirm.

It’s both. If I cannot persuade you in a public debate, I can at least win the audience over to my side with a more convincing argument.

Surveys show if you’re under age 40, socialism is viewed positively, and for those above 40 socialism is linked in their minds with the Soviets and communism. 

but they gave her some Caucasian nonsense about training (I’ll bet an unendorsed Wells Fargo cashiers check that it was a white woman)

Israel has gone more and more apartheid. Even South Africans agree that in some ways Israel’s policies are even worse than their old Apartheid laws.

Baloney, your talking point is literally decades out of date. Israel has a peace treaty with Jordan and Egypt. They have a mutual defense treaty with Turkey. The Arab League offered full diplomatic recognition and economic ties in exchange for a peaceful resolution with Palestinians, and the Israeli government turned

Incorrect and incorrect. They DID and DO see it as stealing land. Go listen to first Israeli David Ben-Gurion’s speeches where he acknowledged that Arabs would not want to make peace with him and why should they? “If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel... It is natural: we have taken their

A primary is the will of voters in the party, not ”the will of the people.” (That’s in the general election). Democratic Party members in his own district decided they preferred her over him. He can still run in another party, but he can no longer claim the Dems wanted him.  

The mom in the background tells the other kids to go home immediately and don’t go outside. 

As a former CVS cashier, yeah that is a really weird looking coupon and I’d be confused if I saw it, but how he handled it was completely out of line. If anything we are supposed to just apologize and we can’t accept it. 

Seriously, ICE was not looking for tourists who overstayed their visas or college students whose student visas expired. This is a false talking point (but to Trump supporters it SOUNDS plausible, somehow it’s Democrats’ fault)

How strange that Republicans are very lenient and quick to defend sexual abuse cases and Roy Moore child predators, but tear into LBGT and demand Christian morality applies to laws against Muslim Americans and the rest of us?

Watch more Muslim bans on his watch too.

Many constitutional scholars have said that impeachment was intended by the Framers to be not just about being accused of a crime, but also by deeply unbecoming conduct. Meaning if a president becomes so awful, the Congress can remove him, as he would be embarassing the country as head of state. 

I lost all respect for Scarlett Johansen after she was faced with a decision to support charity Oxfam or continue to be spokeswoman for Sodastream (a company with a factory built in an illegal Israeli settlement after Palestinians were forcibly evicted). Her decision was cancelled her Oxfam job instead. Are we

You and i know that’s true because we pay attention. If you don’t follow any news at all, you hear Trump throw out a ton of talking points that sounded true, so unless you fact checked any of it You might assume he won.