
He’s got a rap sheet? Sheesh, it’s like he belongs in a gang. 

Technically, there’s nothing in the law that could prevent it. Trump could accuse him of terrorism and he could be shipped off to Guantanamo, no questions asked, and no right to a lawyer. Habeus corpus was suspended by Congress years ago. 

Democrats could still bring the senate to a halt. They could jam all votes and filibuster and essentially obstruct. The Republicans did. Multiple times. And didn’t get punished. 

She’s criticizing the “they go low we go high?” It’s not like Republicans have tried copying such a model of behavior. So she wants everyone to sink to the lowest level of discourse?

Considering Trump has tried this insult on SO many people, claiming they’re all two faced and trashing him publicly now but secretly praising him at the time, I’m surprised he hasn’t thought of a new lie. He tried this on Mika Bryzinski, on Megyn Kelly, on pundits who criticized him, the list goes on.  

Then they’ll replace it with a fake press like Fox News. Much of the country won’t notice the difference.

There really is no limit to how corrupt this guy is, but what’s more shocking is how the GOP is covering for him. But watch, the next Democrat appointee will get full congressional investigations because he bought too many pencils for the office.

What cricketers are you talking about? That’s absolutely false; the entire Pakistani cricket team is fasting for example. There’s an exemption if you’re traveling (which is what a lot of athletes do) as long as you make up those missed days afterwards.

I don’t know what cricketers you’re thinking about, but that’s untrue. The whole Pakistani cricket team fasts furing Ramadan. The only exception is if you’retraveling, in which case you make up the missed days whenever you get back. Perhaps that’s what your email thinking of?

He’s already talked about revoking citizenship for people who won’t respect the flag, and his advisors have said citizenship should be revoked for Muslim-Americans. I think we should be afraid.

Of course, those mudbloods must have stolen their magic powers somehow.

I’m disappointed Keith Ellison is leaving Congress when we need him the most, but at least she’s joining to take the lead.

I hate overgeneralizing. You make a great point, but when you open the piece with a claim that white people think blacks are stupid, it kinda damages the point. That’s the mindset of white racists, sure, but you gotta be more articulate about the distinction or you push away allies.

This guy (and Ted Cruz and the rest who defend this policy) ran on “pro-family” and Christian values. Can we all admit that was the biggest political lie in our lifetime? Why aren’t they being excommunicated and their misdeeds put on billboards?

The politicians who endorse this, like Ted Cruz, should just give up calling themselves Christian. If they persist in that charade, I would help pay for billboards in the Texas election to remind people of his depravity.

I get what Baldwin is saying; we used to have Republicans who had actual principles and were gentlemen. McCain avoided playing the race card when running for President and shut down supporters who tried. Trump embraced them. Romney was lousy in so many ways but he’s Abe Lincoln compared to the insanity of Trump. It’s

When the retaliatory tariffs came for dairy farmers, he asked them to be more patriotic. Basically, suck it up.

That’s why even Boston fires cops who are this grossly racist in public.

Bill O’reilly, the guy who has denied his blatant racism for years as just jokes and misunderstandings, suddenly sees clearly that someone ELSE is being racist.

Trump is really trying to hit back but failing at it.