The White House can ban certain media outlets, so nobody wants to lose access and hence they don’t get too argumentative with her. Ugh.
The White House can ban certain media outlets, so nobody wants to lose access and hence they don’t get too argumentative with her. Ugh.
Everyone smokes
Diasgree. You could use the built-in screenshot app “Grab” or you can use one of the key combos to capture whole screen, just a window, save to file or to clipboard. Windows doesn’t have the same options.
Yes, you can get it postmarked in person at some open-late locations, but if it’s dropped in a mailbox that isn’t a post office, it won’t be collected and postmarked until the next day.
Republicans are so used to sitting on the sidelines and criticizing, but have discovered they can’t govern. Naturally he wants to go back to the simpler times.
This is totally a tactic that Trump supporters would pull. Heck, the ones on Reddit would probably start a GoFundMe to Mail one to every democrat.
It’s the same excuse that people made when leeches didn’t cure diseases; we didn’t use the leeches enough!
1. The US government encouraged illegal immigration for decades and only got serious about enforcing the law relatively recently. They also kept legal immigration artificially low to encourage this behavior because it was cheaper. That’s not the fault solely of immigrants.
I imagine the lawyer will claim there was no intent to kill, so at best it should have been manslaughter.
Knock it off. If Hillary wanted their votes she would have tried to actually court Stein voters. She never did, nor gave any positive reasons why she deserved to be voted for, rather it was all how Trump was evil. Hillary failed to inspire the left and never bothered to try turning those people out.
Bravo to you for such a well written post!
This was the same group that claimed (the innocent) Guantanamo detainees were committing suicide not because of the torture but simply to embarsss Bush in the media.
She’s got some issues with bigotry and islamophobia, I think we should try again.
You really think those Florida nuts are the same as white woke NY and CA women?
He’s hoping that he can recover his image enough to get some of his friends back. Or have his food served spit-free from now on.
If it’s in a mailbox at 5pm it won’t be postmarked until the day after.
This whole clapback thing is stupid, it serves to further a narrative just like when Hannity plays hate mail on his show to rile up and reassure his racist base. This is only marginally better.
I wish the headline wasn’t “White People” and instead was the more accurate “White Racists.” It’s bad enough when Breitbart makes headlines like “Black People Burn Down CVS” etc. Let’s not sink to their level, and go high when they go low.
The narrative on the right is that you will never satisfy liberals so no president will ever get more than 50% share ever again, so therefore they’re trying to spin this as Trump is doing relatively well.
Let this tweet follow him, let every current and future employer know this about Tom McBroom Sr. Let Tom McBroom Sr.’s neighbors and potential neighbors know this about him and what he thinks.