Sugar Kate

It tastes good. I eat them in restaurants. Meat upsets my stomach. This does not, and it tastes, well, a lot like meat. 

Let me get this straight, we are supposed to leave the red carpet of puppy pads around their bed and leading to the bathroom AT ALL TIMES? I appreciate your chutzpah, but every time I have been vomited on (and there have been more than a few times) it has come on suddenly and with no warning, only to disappear again

These exist in nicer Japanese restaurants right here in the USA. Highly recommend. We in the USA are backwards heathens who still swab paper over our dirty asses.

This. Also the guidelines from 2016 suggest $3-5, and Lutkin suggests a $10/per person/per night rate reflects cost of living increases in the past two years. HA! My wages have not doubled in the past two years. If this is the “norm,” then tipping is out of control in the country and must be stopped. As a side note,

All y’all have obviously never been to Missouri. I drive a Volvo, and I voted for Bernie, but the husband and I keep a Jeep and MAGA hat around just for trips to the interior. Less suspicious

New cars have a button to disable the creep. Also, some of them have stop and go traffic features, so you can read a magazine and the car does the traffic jam for you.

Drugs. Even legal marijuana takes actual greenbacks

It depends on whether you are flying through DEN, or if your flight originates at DEN. Flying through is a breeze. The terminals are convenient, the food is good, in some cases excellent. But if you start at DEN, security is a pain in the neck, and if you end there, Uber trips cost and arm and a leg. 

How much time have you spent on this?

Fuck off. You imply working parents are “real” parents – or that because she has a nanny she doesn’t do any parenting. I hate everyone pretending that moms with jobs or moms with nannies are a lesser breed of parent. It’s sexist, it’s twentieth-century, and it’s wrong.

Number crunching is also totally mental

This was years ago, before adult responsibilities set in, bringing with them credit cards and cell phones and reliable automobiles. Anyway, I had just broken up with my wet sandwich of a boyfriend and hit the road with my best chick to see better people on the other side of the mountains. After witnessing some weird

You’re a dude, aren’t you. Fess up.


Mine are blue like one of those wights in Game of Thrones. So, yeah, painfully blue, I guess. Or maybe scarily blue? Terrifyingly blue? Crap-your-pants blue? Let’s go with that one.

Needs more stars

I like if you say “Farook assault” it sounds the same as “Veruca Salt.”

No pic, cause I ate it. But I live in the Southwest, where green chiles are king. Turkey and green chile quesadilla, made with colby and queso fresco cheese. Simple and delish.

I second this. As someone who 1) Works with the country club set, 2) Lives in a rough neighborhood, and 3) Travels to middle america– I can attest that the Jeep is welcomed in all three settings. Bonus, you don’t look like the help.