No Longer Suffering Saturn

All the supplies to make poo are already on board at the beginning of the flight. They have to carry the fuel to carry the food and the processing plants which generate the poo, whether the poo is being held at the plant or deposited at the receptacle.

“Say what you will about Hitler, but at least he killed Hitler.”

This is not a new idea. I was trying to convince my medical insurance company that the frontal prosthetic silicon bags my wife got were for her safety but they insist its plastic surgery and therefore not covered...

There are a lot of Vietnam vets who think that is the most beautiful Helicopter there ever was...

In this regard at least, Texas sounds a lot like my home Ohio.

True. Russian soldiers on exercises have often ended up in Ukraine by mistake.

99% of all racecar engineering is designing things in a way that the rulebook hasn’t yet explicitly prohibited.

“Not too well in product development”

Good on you guys. I’ll keep this in mind if my insider knowledge of deep fried and frosted breakfast confectioneries is ever relevant to a discussion.

Most surprising part of the headline.

Clearly he didn’t read the warning...

Roundabouts aren’t stupid. in Metro Detroit, every intersection which has had a roundabout replace a signal or a 4-way stop has seen throughput increase (good) and collisions decrease (also good.) Also, for the collisions which do occur (because people are shit drivers but refuse to admit it) the collisions are

Except roundabouts aren’t stupid

So, invitation to Hoonigan sent?

If there is that much snow on the roads in MI we put on T-shirts and shorts, light the grills, and get ready for Summer fun.

I’m up here in Quebec all like:

Uh, I’ll take our snow and our over-a-buck-a-gallon cheaper gas over California and its nanny state bullshit, thankyouverymuch.