
It seems fake, but I don't know. My aunt made $7500 last week just by using her computer.

Everyone can chill here, fishing with my daughter:

As the mom of a female early Minecraft adapter, I can tell you that buying a boy shirt is not a great alternative if your girl doesn't like bizarrely ginormous clothes. Just as girls are encouraged to dress like tiny princesses, boys are being conditioned to wear massive frat-appropriate bro-shirts. A boy's small is,

lol silly pluto you're not a planet

Little kids cry all the time for nonsense reasons, you don't have to treat every moment like their emotional future is IN THE BALANCE.

Don't sleep? Go ham? Not sure what you are trying to say.

Cool. So many trolls here, that I didn't want you to think I was one of them.

Am I still calling it a fetus? Not me, sweetie, it's the dictionary that calls an unborn mammalian offspring a fetus from the embryonic stage until birth.

I really wish they would just get deleted, instead of clogging the comments section up with their bullshit.

Another troll - JackfuckingBauer. They come out like rats at the first whiff of garbage.

Spiderman's arm is getting fatigued from pointing y'all out.

wait, are you suggesting that murdering a pregnant woman is a pro-choice stance. What the actual fuck?

And proud of it! Slacker 'til I die!

Bully me, James Spader!!

The more arrogant look I could find:

According to the "I was pushed out the door at 8 years old to play and not allowed back in the house until I was 16" brigade of commenters around here, NOTHING would have happened to that girl except she'd have found a well of confidence and independence sorely lacking in children today.

1) The headline is needlessly sensationalist. It makes it sound like the mom let her kid play in the backyard by herself while mom worked inside or some shit. Or that she let her daughter ride her bike around the neighborhood for 30 minutes.

Well, that's why I don't buy a lot of the "it takes a village" bullcrap. I'm cool if you want to hold my kid while I wrestle with a car seat and a diaper bag, or if you want to tell my kid not to cry. However, I've seen some really stupid people try to give me parenting advice, from the douchebro who lectured me on

I agree with you on this. Honestly, I think it's important to encourage your child to think for themselves and express their opinion in a constructive way that does not involve screaming and yelling to get what they want. To be fair. I have only one kid at the moment and I am most definitely biased about how wonderful

In my experience, the sippy cup deal goes something like this.
"What cup would you like?"
"Red cup!"
*fills up red cup*
*hands child red cup*
"No! I want blue cup! Blue cup!"

The other scenario involves both children wanting the red cup, despite there only being one red cup and one blue cup unless I go drive twenty