Lyra was at the top of our list, as one of our favorite book series...told some friends and BAM. That’s their kids name now.
Lyra was at the top of our list, as one of our favorite book series...told some friends and BAM. That’s their kids name now.
Nice, I like that!
Well done. Topical. ;)
Wow he’s being a real Arne, when he should be more of a Hassan. Fellas, don’t be an Arne.
I never rape the women I see smiling at me. I’m ready for my prize now, Nobel committee.
I thought Cinderella 3 was fantastic!
I think Lin Miranda was on the shortlist for Person of the Year. Which he absolutely deserved, but not for Hamilton, which was ok I guess, if you like transcendently beautiful pieces of art that make you question what you knew of joy before you saw it. No, he should be Person of the Year for this stupidly great…
No we CAN NOT get along. This is just so fucking ridiculous and stupid. For the life of me I can not understand how so many people believe such stupid shit. Shakespeare obviously didn’t write all his plays and Lin-Manuel Miranda is a time traveling WARLOCK who doesn’t age. I just wish people would get a clue and…
I am genuinely in awe of the entirety of Hamilton— it as a musical, as a statement, as a movement. It contains so much power and brilliance and I just cannot wrap my head around why he isn't acknowledged for it.
I mean that’s the fierce debate right?
Lin-Manuel Miranda is just absurdly talented. I sat behind Jennifer Lawrence at Hamilton and it was the best day of my life.
lmfao I was just gonna post “I dunno, It’s your shitty kid!” That’s always my favourite return for stupid questions like that.
Perfect. This was perfect. You are perfect.
Hold up... I thought Lucas got bought out. She killed him? I mean, I didn’t like the prequels either, but that seems harsh, Carrie.
I always liked Louis CK’s “I dunno they’re your dumb kids tell them what you want.”
Given everything that asswipe of an ex put her through she can post obnoxious pictures of this wedding forever as far as I’m concerned.