
Oh, hey Nicki. Welcome to Jezebel.

The moment I see a grown, adult man refer to another as a white knight, I lose any inclination to listen to or believe anything he says.

I still have a nano with the clickwheel and I love it. I never liked the touchscreen because you can’t feel your way into changing songs when driving or running.

No. A person who said something stupid ten years ago has now gone through cancer not once, but twice, with this second time looking terminal, and you’re jumping in on the announcement of this to go: “HAHA, shouldn’t have said anything! This’ll teach you, and all your friends too!”

I mean you’re butt hurt at some youtube personality for a crass statement made a decade ago while he’s getting cancer and dying. His words may have been moderately offensive but you definitely come off as the worse person here.

No joke, summer is the worst season. I loathe being hot. All I ever want is to need to wear a heavy coat. Also, I think some people really are just genuinely drawn to melancholy. The darkening days are romantic to some of us.

They already out draw the Florida Panthers & Arizona Coyotes most nights.

“Sanders wasn’t really seen as all that serious a candidate until Black Lives Matter blew him up”

God damn it I hate the internet sometimes

This is a Goodbye Direct to You.

Oh damn. I mean. Damn. He’s going to be missed.

Why the fuck is this on Kotaku?

How would revenge help anyone right now? How would giving the shooter the race war he wanted help?

“How is Mao worship even allowed in polite society?”

Calling her a “bitch” is oh-so-offensive, but defending the monster who—besides being responsible for the genocide of estimated 30+ million innocent Chinese—routinely raped virgins for “rejuvenation” purposes and infected them with his gross venereal diseases is noble!

Good for her. I don’t get the angle of tying this to communism though? i.e. how does a governmental financial system entail outing people as white supremacists?

Good thing the internet is on the job, law enforcement would have never thought of looking for him online.

Where’s “The World Ends With You Too” sequel that we all want? TWEWY was such a fantastic game I can’t wait for it to be released on the WiiU (if ever) and hey, maybe they’ll allow for local co-op as one person controls the character on the TV while the other is on the gamepad? If ever there was a game that would