
If by ‘not anything like FF11’ you meant ‘actually is a good game’ then I agree.


I never thought of “Mary Sue” as a gendered term. In fact the way the term was first explained to me was “Like, you know all of Tom Clancy or John Grisham’s main characters”?

I thought some of the grievances about Mary Sues - or Daeneryses, as I like to call them - were coming from a feminist point of view. Like, male heroes are allowed to be flawed and complicated and interesting and people still root for them. Female heroes have to be perfect blank slates who inexplicably save the day.

For me, it was feminists telling cis women that using the words “vagina” and “uterus” while protesting the eradication of abortion rights was “transphobic”.

I like that you think second wave feminism is misogyny.

That's not an accurate or fair depiction of her piece.

“...her glib and hateful misogynist idiocy...”

When you do get off it give it to these students! So they can maybe also try responding to ideas with.....other ideas! Like the little scholars they aren’t. Instead of bringing frivolous lawsuits. More soapboxes for everyone, i’m srsly.

His comment literally explains why he claims it is bad writing.

I understand you being sick of English people opinions on Scottish independence, but I think accusing her of pulling if the ladder is really unfair. She has argued against benefit cuts and the stigmatizing of the poor and unemployed, using her own experiences to advocate for people in similar positions as she was. She

If by 3, they mean 6 then no this is accurate.

This is how it was in Sims 3....I don’t think it’s a bug...

You’re suggesting that someone chastised you for cheering about a home run? Have you ever actually been to a baseball game or are you confusing it with a tennis match you once saw on TV?

I can’t agree with some of those points. Whilst there’s no People Magazine, there’s certainly thousands upon thousands of websites and other magazines that follow the industry, and some designers in particular. You only need to read the backlash over the Kojima situation to see that gaming has DEFINITELY adopted the

Any human with a decent working brain knows that games do not cause sexism.

What does this have to do with anything?

Can’t blame them for being hyped for Splatoon.

Still in-progress, has not been fully achieved at any time.

Based on the excitement I see in the comments I guess I’m the only one who is incredibly dissapointed by this?.
I love SMT and I love Fire Emblem, and I’ve been crossing my fingers to see more about this project in every Nintendo Direct since it was announced.

But this is definitely not what I was hoping for. This looks