What is this idol bullshit? This looks like neither Shin Megami Tensei nor Fire Emblem. Seriously, what is this trailer?
What is this idol bullshit? This looks like neither Shin Megami Tensei nor Fire Emblem. Seriously, what is this trailer?
Eh, hard to get excited about anything Fire Emblem related nowadays. Awakening set a new direction for the series I’m not sure I can get behind.
I didn't see any elements of Fire Emblem in the game, what exactly is the FE-spin on it?
We need to have a serious conversation about the level of toxicity in gaming culture. From the swatting to GamerGate, gaming has become a pretty inhospitable place if you wanted to go past casual interest. Any suggestions on how we can minimize toxicity (while simultaneously maintaining competition — which is not a…
Remember when we were all just happy nerds quietly playing our Nintendo at Grandmas house Friday night. What happened.where did this anger and rage and violence all come from.
As someone who just finally got a Wii U this year, that would make me quite sad.
Wow, that's original ;p
So do you believe that both subject matter should be banned, or are you using the accepted levels of violence in media to legitimize your own personal guilty pleasure?
You keep posting this multiple times per article, in multiple articles. You are SUPER invested in telling women that they are wrong about their own goddamn bodies.
And England wasn't one of those countries that started a colonial empire and ruled the world?
Video games are really a powerful medium for telling stories - the medium offers so many unique possibilities and a sense of ownership of the story that you simply can't get from books or movies. I'm really glad that more and more games like this come out every year - games that explore a story and use mechanics in…
Collier, I will disagree with you on. As a man with an afro normally cut it every two years so it can be made into a small wig(s) for those who can't grow hair because of treatments etc (new regulations suck that it now needs to be 7 inches vs 4, sorry for tangent). When I attend an opera or broadway show, I know not…
It's Ancient Egypt, meaning it's not Sub Sarah Africa, meaning most of people were not black but were instead what you would find all over the middle east at that time, a culture mix from Europe, the Steppes and the middle east.
Children are abused in all societies, those based in faith and those not based in faith - generally because children are vulnerable and there are always powerful forces that can exploit. To blame it on "barbaric Christians" actually demeans their suffering and does little to protect them, since it becomes about…
Now that's some erasure. Why would those bigots want to discomfort her family, who ostensibly are on their big bigot side? Why is it unimaginable that people who would support trans people would do something like that? There are always zealots on every side.
So much douchebaggery in one comment. Not a fan of him but wow man, just wow.
Why does someone have to make their own game to criticize the creative expression behind the use of certain tropes in games? I hear that argument a lot, but I don't think it is really a valid one. Nobody is going to force a developer from making games with damsels in distress. Nobody is going to force a developer from…
"Needless to say: FACE."