I’m just finding this after 3 years and reading the comments...
I’m just finding this after 3 years and reading the comments...
Once you put everything into context and realize that most people are shallow, vapid, and shit, you can take the blame off of yourself.
It would be pocket change for some concerned billionaire to say, “I’ll double it if you don’t take the NRA’s money.”
How many cars, do you know of, where designed to do the very specific job of killing as many people as possible?
He may choose to be on the ground in Las Vegas at a time of his own choosing. Melanie would really like to be there. He’ll describe the tragedy as “epic”, and she will smile at people in her usual vacant manner.
I found this article because I have a neighbor who uses the car cover trick. I live in a permit zone in San Francisco, and we have 2 hour parking Monday thru Friday on our street. My neighbor does not have a permit, and never gets hassled.
No. If you happen through any major enclave of educated, and mostly areligious people, you will find that common sense trumps a fear that public health will mean YUGE tax hikes. They tend to see through the Republican rhetoric.
Typo? Misspelling?
I used to live and work in Las Vegas. I was there between 2002 and 2007. It was the best of times and it was the worst of times. Actually, I started my residency with mild ambivalence but that soon turned to complete hatred of the place.
Daft Punk! Making motorcyclists think twice before climbing aboard their beasts sans lid.
Well, she influences my decision to purchase better music. No, no she doesn't.
Being from Yorkshire, and having owned possibly the world's largest (and most awesome) Yorkshire Terrier, I must say that I can't quite blame him.
I find reading and watching the stuff that these horrible people do (and do to themselves) very uplifting. I'm getting older by the day, but I retain my dignity by not going there. Underneath all the work and the Botox I know that these women are really shriveled prunes. You can't beat that for uplifting and positive!