
Yes a thousand times to this. For me, it's more like sliding the bolt of a rifle or a bolt lock on a door. It's true that some transmissions and their linkages are different and some are different than others, but the principle is the same. If you try to slam it around, you are far more likely to miss the gear and, in

The paper is going to have to put a cap on this kind of behavior. There's no doubt this is going to cause some resistance from the community.

She's all class.

If the knowledge was never known...

I don’t believe that what’s on the video is the discussion in its entirety. He definitely said, “...because you were running...” in the clip, which is all that is provable, apparently, but if he did say the “not old enough” comment then I feel like it was probably before what we see in the clip.

“I am the true Jon Jay, this is not the Cardinal way.”

I don’t think he’s saying, “You’re not old enough...” here, but that only looks like a clip of the tail end of a conversation to me, so if he did say it, I’d say it came before that then he gave a more “official” answer and that is the part we see. I’d like to see it from the end of hit all the way through.

I’ve been a ‘Skins fan my entire life and was born just after the Theismann era (‘86) with ‘08 being the last year I gave a full season shit. I wish they would just change the damn name, it’s really not worth it. I wish Jerry Jones would get tired of football and decide that he wants to sell the Cowboys to Snyder, who

Jim Tom

Now for the many talents of Tom Jimsula:

It is, indeed.

She deserves a mention. She was a real pioneer in women’s athletics and, by most accounts, was as fine a fullback as the state of Pennsylvania has ever seen.

How ironic is it that one of the sponsors shares a name with the greatest high school rusher of all time? He was known by many names, The Duke of Dash, The Dean of Mean, The Best Kid On The Grid, That Labor Of A Loveless Marriage, The Drunken Bastard, He Who Has No Name (Except The One He Has), but most knew him by

+1 stomp

Hopefully it’s full of Peter Popoff’s, “Miracle Spring Water!” #TooAnnointedToBeDisappointed