
It’s okay, things will be back to Norman soon enough.

Except for the time Don Rickles broke his cigarette box and Carson hunted him down. That's some confidence to know that you're handing your show to Rickles and you can come back the next week and you're material will still hold up.

AWD Subaru Justy, manual. Is it gonna run? Yep. Is it gonna be cheap to fix? Yep. Is it gonna rust or already be rusted? Hell yep. Am I gonna get through the mud, snow and what have ya? I guess so. One of my preachers when I was a kid had one and he had a large frame and a mountain beard, it was amazing. You know

That stuff is SO SCARY! My friend shared a link on FB from a site called, about how this toxin can cause erosion and even destroy steel and rock over time! It’s in our water supply! SO SCARY!!!! :(

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Maybe it’s all a misunderstanding and it was a Yapapi strap match gone wrong?

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Poor feller couldn’t even bear to look at himself for the picture...take it away Lefty.

She'd been having a really Goodyear until this happened.

+1 stuck EGR valve.

In South Central Georgia, born and raised, on the dirt mound is where I spent most of my days;

Yeah, same boat.

Behold as the Fox (Cavalier) sits on the...trees? Grass? Meanwhile, its parent/guardians the Wolves (Camaro and Corvette) look on from the...mountaintop? Trees? Wolves! Fox! Night! Black cars at night with their headlights on!

The Granada is boring, the suit is boring, the stage is boring, the curtain is boring.

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They’d drive anything with a 450 big block.

Don’t worry, I laughed and will remain Loyola to this joke.

Let us, like her, hold up one shoe and let the other be upon our foot for this is the sign that all who are among her shall do likewise!