
“Long medium right, maybe...”

Spin that wheel as hard as you can.

Yes! Push in all three view that school bus.

My grandmother had one, an ‘84. She eventually gave it to my cousin who eventually gave it to my sister. The roof liner was gone so she had put glow in the dark stars in its place. You know, like Rolls Royce does now...minus the everything. It had at least two “Rush Is Right” stickers on it (my grandmother used to

+1 x very large outer space numbers...

Not to mention it’s as if they’re still relying on all the other kids to get vaccinated, whether they realize/want to admit it or not. They exist behind this veil of imagined superiority and enlightenment but their “logic” would fall apart if everyone really did stop taking vaccines. I’m certainly no doctor, (but I


I’ll throw in a dark horse, The Hudson Hornet. Between 1951-1953, Hudson drivers won a combined 108 races. It had the lowest center of gravity of any stock car at the time and forced Ford and GM to really step up their game.

McRae, Richard Burns and Marcus Grunholm got me hooked. Two of them are gone now...damnit.

Hey, I was the only Velociraptor on the set of The Waltons during the second season. The loneliness I felt as a result of being the only one left me with a lot of problems later on. People just wouldn’t believe me. “Uncle Randy,” they’d say, “please stop drinking, you’re making grandma nervous.” Or sometimes, “You’re

"NICE FUCKIN' MODEL!" (Honk-honk)

I don't like gunning random players. I like to confuse people by doing things like dressing up like Abe Lincoln and riding around atop an AI-driven Pisswasser truck giving the jazz hands. It's my mobile porch o'freedom. Some join in, some kill me mercilessly.

Honorable mention to Sterling Golden.

This is not a happy man...

Garfield's death was such a sad waste as he had the potential to be a fantastic President. He was self-made, being born in a cabin and raised by his widowed mother on a farm in Ohio. He became a carpenter, then a preacher, then paid his way through college by being hired as the janitor. By the end of his three years

Yeah, from hat I understand, the women there called him, "Charles Get-out."

This is the first thing I thought of.

I think the pill-drunk people I've seen in my life were, by a good margin, the drunkest people I've seen. They get crazy and pass out cold walking down stairs.

"Yeah, don't be a danged dingus! Hire Harry Hog for big race daddy and he'll make you his champion boy!"
