
Awesome job, everyone. Congrats Ginger Snap!

Here's the turn signal's reaction after it was pulled out:

Around here, I see lots of yuppies running around in Wranglers, doors almost always off, showing off their boat shoes and pastel Ralph Lauren shorts.

or Foot Looker



I like to refer to everyone in my age group (27-35) as, "Little Hulksters."

It's too bad that Merle Haggard's, "If We Make It Through December" is too young, that's one of my favs.

It's gone now, but Brett Keisel's beard was also impressive. It was a bit unruly, but in an olde-country sort of way. Trying to fit a chinstrap around it must have been a pain.

Drunken boxing is forbidden! Here, have more wine!

Stop smiling like an idiot! You're name is Jim, not Jimmy! You're not a kid anymore, you're a grown man. This ain't kid stuff, this is a ball game!

I was a huge Davey Allison fan when I was a kid. When he died, I quit watching for quite a long time, then picked it back up again. Then Dale Sr. died, and I quit watching again for another extended period. I'm getting back into it again, slowly but surely. Might try to go to Bristol this year.

Me, too. Me, too...

Damn, that's the price of three U87's and $4k more (before discount) than a stereo Manley Gold Reference.

I don't like the way she says, "arouses." I'm uncomfortable, now.

Dust to dust...

I do, I remember it not at all smelling like other Subaru's, either. It had a special something. Random thought, am I the only one that thinks that almost all leather VW interiors smelled like crayons in the early 2000's?

When I was a kid in rural America, our church (with its congregation of ~ 15) had three people that owned brand- new 4x4 Justy's as their winter cars. That's a 1:5 Justy ratio!