
I would totally use a Justy as a winter beater in the city.

I have two, they are equally bad so they fight together.

It took a lot more than it should have to get that guy down. These guys don't look very good at this.

That'd make one hell of a porch swing!

I'd want to keep it mid-engined...

*accept* damnit

Gooble gobble, we except him.

I'm not sure how old this list is, but it seems that the Southeast gets the most. That's easy to believe, as I live in the Southeast and sometimes it's ridiculous. The Northwest comes in with Olympia at #24, but I believe they're about 6th in days with precipitation, just not nearly as much total precipitation.

That sucks and I feel bad for the players and fans not getting the spot they earned. These teams can be very successful, even early on. Marshall jumped up to FCS (then 1-A) in '97 after going undefeated and winning the (then 1-AA) national championship the year before. They won the MAC and finished 10-3 after a

"...his first career assist, as a matter of fact, was a pocket bounce-pass to a rolling Chester Arthur for a two-handed jam."

"(This season, Kyle Orton andAustin Davis are both losing more thantwo yards per attempt on play-action.)"

So if Jimbo says that Winston didn't realize it and Winston says that the ref said he had a substitution, doesn't that seem contradictory and Winston did know? Maybe he heard but didn't realize? Maybe it was a weird combo of the ref's placement/hearing the ref's reason/not realizing? Hmmm...

Agree about Manziel. To be fair, though, Pennington only started with Moss for one year. An incredible year, numbers-wise, but he had two more years without Moss.

I had a buddy whose dad was a school-bus driver. We were rural mountain people and lived in areas that tended to get a lot of snow in the winter. I sleep over one night and we wake up to about eight inches of snow and a two-hour delay for school. His dad says that he doesn't have anyone to get that morning, so he

Yessir, '86 LX with the 5-speed. The e-brake had the longest throw I've ever experienced in a car to this day.

I've got so much humility, I can't even begin to describe. More people should have humility like me, Mr. Humility. Wait, was I Mr. Humility or Humiliate? Whatever, I'm the best at humility!