
Khan: "I love these guys!"

I see statistics all over the place showing that pedestrian deaths have increased in the last few years. What are the chances that these not only coincide with driver distractions (phones, GPS, etc.) but also with pedestrian distractions such as staring at your phone while crossing the street? Fault lies both ways, of

It's amazing those workers on the field weren't hurt, especially the one that looks like he's between the tractor and the wall.

I know it can't be the answer, but if the transformation occurs at midnight on the day of the discovery, wouldn't it never happen because midnight is always the next day?

My sister has a headphone shop and she spends a lot of money trying to get people to Beyerdynamic.

This is like a shreds video for war.

Nice bass flute.

I now have an image of John Kruk barreling towards second base, using his last puffs of air to yell, "Out of my way you skinny motherfucker!"

Tell him to get his ass down to Margaritaville for a couple hurricanes and some coconut shrimp!

"That's right, son, four plus four equals four and that's the best Hokey Pokey I've ever seen. Now get in there and win this thing! Could somebody get on the rotary and dial zero? I gotta get the call from upstairs."

Negotiate everything.

He would've played, too, but he'd come down with a bad case of the Schlitz.

"Today we gonna make a Shepards' Pile, y'all!"

I believe that the Swift commercial is Australian so the price is heavily inflated due to import cost/tax.

That warranty has two months left, so you'd be needing to buy an extended warranty if you want anything, which are usually kinda crap and can be $$$. I'd love the CTS-V, especially over the Accord, but the warranty means a lot. A...LOT!!!!!!!